Quality of birth — a lifetime resource: pre-perinatal aspects in the discussion on personality formation

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Having entered into a long-standing discussion about what is leading in the formation of an individual — genes or parenting — the authors point out the role of the quality of birth as the third equal component of this process. The authors introduced the notion of emergentness in relation to the psychosomatic qualities of a conceived child, distinguishing him from each of the parents and underlying his uniqueness, security and individuality of reactions in the conditions of ambiguity, multifactorial effects (psychological, social, environmental) before and after birth during lifetime.

About the authors

Grigori I. Brekhman

The Interdisciplinary Clinical Center, the University of Haifa; Integrative Research Institute; the Haifa House of Scientists

Author for correspondence.
Email: grigorib@013net.net

MD, PhD, DSci (Medicine), Professor, Scientific Consultant; the Head of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology Department

Israel, Haifa

Ekaterina A. Brekhman

The Haifa House of Scientists

Email: grigorib@013net.net


Israel, Haifa


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Copyright (c) 2020 Brekhman G.I., Brekhman E.A.

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