Intraplacental blood flow in third trimester of placental insufficiency pregnancy

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Background. Serious perinatal, most of all, neurological consequences of placental insufficiency condition necessity further search it’s markers for optimal delivery time. Methods. At third term of pregnancy we examined 16 singleton physiological pregnant women (first group) and 27 placental insufficiency patients (second group). We standard obstetrical examined, ultrasound fetometry, basic arteries of functional system mother-placenta-fetus Doppler and three-dimensional power Doppler in central, two paracentral and two periphery placenta areas. We processing images by VOCAL and analyzed vascularisation (VI), flow (FI) and vascularisation-flow indexes (VFI). Results. In placentae correlated groups FI differ in size reliable in central (t=4,03; p<0,001 и U=240,00; p<0,001) and paracentral (t=2,61; p<0,05 и U=348,00; p<0,05) areas. Patients second group indexes were relative on 17% and 8% less than patients first group indexes. Patients second group VFI was on 35% less than patients first group VFI (t=2,08; p<0,05 и U=337,00; p<0,05). We described results of comparison three-dimensional power Doppler intraplacental blood flow indexes from patients second group with different degree hemodynamic disorder. Conclusion. In placental insufficiency presence reduction blood circulation, particular in central placenta area, conditioned by reduction blood flow in initial vessels number. Central placenta area FI may be regarded new additional criterion of placental insufficiency at third term of pregnancy.

About the authors

Anna N Zakurina

D. O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, RAMS

PhD, The research assistant of laboratory of physiology and a pathophysiology of a fetus with unit of ultrasonic diagnostics

Natalia G Pavlova

D. O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, RAMS

MD, The professor the principal of laboratory of physiology and a pathophysiology of a fetus with unit of ultrasonic diagnostics


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Copyright (c) 2014 Zakurina A.N., Pavlova N.G.

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