Efficiency of application of metformin and its combination with combined oral ontrceptive, containing drospirenone, in women with polycystic ovary syndrome

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The article represents results of monotherapy with metformin, as well as combined treatment with metformin and combined oral contraceptive (COC), containing drospirenone, in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). In general, treatment was given to 42 patients with PCOS. Combined treatment was prescribed to 18 of them. Equally high efficiency of both schemes of treatment in correction of disorders of carbohydrate metabolism was demonstrated. But efficacy of metformin alone in restoration of ovulatory menstrual cycle was low – ovulation occurred in 3 patients (13 %) and only two women (8.7 %)became pregnant. These results do not allow recommendation of monotherapy with this medication for restoration of fertility. Implication of combined therapy has shown benefits in normalization of menstrual cycle, ultrasound structure and volume of ovaries. COC with drospirenone also has antiandrogenic properties. So combination of metformin with COC, containing drospirenone, can be recommended as a first-line therapeutic option for patients with PCOS and impaired carbohydrate metabolism.

About the authors

Yelena Leonidovna Soboleva

D. O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, RAMS

Email: doclena@inbox.ru
MD, Senior research associate, Reproductive Endocrinology Department


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Copyright (c) 2013 Soboleva Y.L.

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