Genetic Control of Predisposition for Suicide

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From multiple twin studies, it is known that predisposition for suicide significantly depends on the genotype, approximately for 30-50 %. Many laboratories search for the genes controlling this trait. In the present article, the obtained data are briefly reviewed. Suicidal behavior strongly associates with at least two polymorphisms: with short promoter of the SLC6a4 gene and 158Met haplotype of the CoMT gene. Moreover, the data observed lead to proposition that some manifestations of suicidal behavior are quite autonomous and therefore should be analyzed as separate traits. among them are completed suicide and its various simulations (non-lethal attempts), violent and non-violent forms of suicidal behaviour, as well as single and multiple attempts. otherwise, when suicidal behavior is analyzed in general, association approach is usually vain.

About the authors

Oleg N Tikhodeyev

Saint-Petersburg State University., Saint-Petersburg, RF



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