Genetic structure of the continuous and ephemeral populations of the land snail Brephulopsis Cylindrica (Gastropoda; Pulmonata; Enidae)

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Background. One may hypothesize that the land snail B. cylindrica distributed in small, isolated, ephemeral populations tends to decrease genetic polymorphism level (e. g., observed heterozygosity for allozyme loci). Thus, the present study aims at estimating the levels of allozyme polymorphism in the land snail B. cylindrica from continuously distributed populations and ephemeral ones. Materials and methods. In the Nikolaev urbanised areas 9 samples were taken and studied electrophoretically for four polymorphic allozyme system. In the Dubki, Neftebasa and Park Pobedy populations (continuously distributed populations - group N 1) the two localities, situated about 50 m apart, were sampled. While only single locality were investigated from the Kosmos, Morechodnaya and Mira populations (ephemeral populations - group N 2). Statistical analysis of electrophoretic data was performed with the program GenAIEx version 6.0. Results. In general, significant differences with respect to the level of genetic polymorphism between the continuous and ephemeral populations of the land snail B. cylindrical have not discovered on the basis of allozymes loci. However, when analyzing the distribution of multilocus allozyme genotypes in the populations studied, we have received fundamentally different results. In general, ephemeral populations differed from the continuous ones with respect to the frequency of studied multilocus allozyme genotypes although one populations has been disrupted this rule (Dubki-2). Conclusion. Based on these results it is concluded that small, isolated (including, urban) populations tend to reduce the level of genetic diversity, due to the manifestation of genetic and stochastic processes (genetic drift or founder effect). In addition, an important consequence of the latter there is a relatively high rate of unpredictable change genotypic profiles of such settlements, which leads to a significant increase in the level of genetic differentiation between them.

About the authors

Sergey Sergeyevich Kramarenko

Nikolaev national agrarian university

senior lectures, PhD (in Biology), Department of genetics, animal nutrition and biotechnology

Eduard Anatolyevich Snegin

Belgorod state national research university

the head of department of biocenology and ecological genetics (Dr. Biol. Sci.)


  1. Вычалковская Н. В. (2008) Распространение и внутривидовая изменчивость Крымского эндемичного моллюска Brephulopsis cylindrica (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Buliminidae) за пределами нативного ареала. Вестник зоологии. Т. 42 (3): С. 229-235.
  2. Вычалковская Н. В., Крамаренко С. С. (2008) Находка Brephulopsis cylindrica (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Buliminidae) в городе Киеве. Вестник зоологии. Т. 42 (1): С. 92.
  3. Гааль Э., Медьеши Г., Верецкеи Л. (1982) Электрофорез в разделении биол. макромолекул. М.: Мир. 448 с.
  4. Крамаренко С. С. (1995) Фенотипическая изменчивость крымских моллюсков рода Brephulopsis Lindholm (Gastropoda; Pulmonata; Buliminidae). Автореф. дисс… канд. биол. наук. Киев. 18 с.
  5. Макеева В. М., Белоконь М. М., Малюченко О. П. (2005) Оценка состояния генофонда природных популяций беспозвоночных животных в условиях фрагментарного ландшафта Москвы и Подмосковья (на примере кустарниковой улитки Bradybaena fruticum (Müll). Генетика. Т. 41 (11): С. 1495-1510.
  6. Сверлова Н. В. (1998) Знахідка Brephulopsis cylindrica (Gastropoda, Buliminidae) у Львові. Вестник зоологии. Т. 32 (5-6): С. 72.
  7. Снегин Э. А. (2011) Оценка жизнеспособности популяций особо охраняемого вида Cepaea vindobonensis (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Pulmonata) в условиях юга лесостепи среднерусской возвышенности. Вестник КрасГАУ. № 11: С. 142-148.
  8. Шитиков В. К., Розенберг Г. С., Крамаренко С. С., Якимов В. Н. (2008) Современные подходы к статистическому анализу экспериментальных данных / Под ред.: Г. С. Розенберга, Д. Б. Гелашвили / Проблемы экологического эксперимента (Планирование и анализ наблюдений). Тольятти: СамНЦ РАН; «Кассандра». С. 212-250.
  9. Andersen L. W., Fog K., Damgaard C. (2004) Habitat fragmentation causes bottlenecks and inbreeding in the European tree frog (Hyla arborea). Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Biological Sciences. Vol. 271 (1545): P. 1293-1302.
  10. Arens, P. F. P., van der Sluis T., van't Westende W. P. C. et al. (2007) Genetic population differentiation and connectivity among fragmented Moor frog (Rana arvalis) populations in the Netherlands. Landscape Ecology. Vol. 22: P. 1489-1500.
  11. Balashov I. A., Kramarenko S. S., Zhukov A. V. et al. (2013) Contributions to the knowledge of the terrestrial molluscs of southeastern Ukraine. Malacologica Bohemoslovaca. Vol. 12: P. 62-69.
  12. Chao A., 2005. Species richness estimation. In: Balakrishnan N., Read C. B., Vidakovic B., editors. Encyclopedia of Statistical Science. NY; Wiley. P. 7907-7916.
  13. Chiappero M. B., Panzetta-Dutari G. M., Gómez D. et al. (2011) Contrasting genetic structure of urban and rural populations of the wild rodent Calomys musculinus (Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae). Mammalian Biology. Vol. 76 (1): P. 41-50.
  14. Delaney K. S., Riley S. P. D., Fisher R. N. (2010) A rapid, strong, and convergent genetic response to urban habitat fragmentation in four divergent and widespread vertebrates. PLoS ONE. Vol. 5 (9): e12767.
  15. Desender K., Small E., Gaublomme E., Verdyck P. (2004) Rural-urban gradients and the population genetic structure of woodland ground beetles. Conservation Genetics. Vol. 6 (1): P. 51-62.
  16. Dubey S., Ursenbacher S., Pellet J., Fumagalli L. (2009) Genetic differentiation in two European tree frog (Hyla arborea) metapopulations in contrasted landscapes of western Switzerland. Amphibia-Reptilia. Vol. 30: P. 127-133.
  17. Excoffier L., Smouse P. E., Quattro J. M. (1992) Analysis of molecular variance inferred from metric distances among DNA haplotypes: application to human mitochondrial DNA restriction data. Genetics. Vol. 131 (2): P. 479-491.
  18. Gibbs J. P. (1998) Genetic structure of redback salamander Plethodon cinereus populations in continuous and fragmented forests. Biological Conservation. Vol. 86 (1): P. 77-81.
  19. Giordano R., Cortez J. C. P., Paulk S., Stevens L. (2005) Genetic diversity of Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) in Chuquisaca, Bolivia based on the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Vol. 100 (7): P. 753-60.
  20. Gortat T., Rutkowski R., Gryczyńska-Siemiątkowska A. et al. (2013) Genetic structure in urban and rural populations of Apodemus agrarius in Poland. Mammalian Biology. Vol. 78 (3): P. 171-177.
  21. Hirota T., Hirohata T., Mashima H. et al. (2004) Population structure of the large Japanese field mouse, Apodemus speciosus (Rodentia: Muridae), in suburban landscape, based on mitochondrial D-loop sequences. Molecular Ecology. Vol. 13 (11): P. 3275-3282.
  22. Hitchings S. P., Beebee T. J. C. (1997) Genetic substructuring as a result of barriers to gene flow in urban Rana temporaria (common frog) populations: implications for biodiversity conservation. Heredity. Vol. 79 (2): P. 117-127.
  23. Hitchings S. P., Beebee T. J. C. (1998) Loss of genetic diversity and fitness in Common Toad (Bufo bufo) populations isolated by inimical habitat. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. Vol. 11 (3): P. 269-283.
  24. Hoehn M., Sarre S. D., Henle K. (2007) The tales of two geckos: does dispersal prevent extinction in recently fragmented populations? Molecular Ecology. Vol. 16 (16): P. 3299-3312.
  25. Hummer O., Harper D. A. T., Ryan P. D. (2001) PAST version 1.39: Paleontological statistical software package for education and data analysis. Paleontologia Electronica. Vol. 4: P. 1-9.
  26. Keller I., Largiadèr C. R. (2003) Recent habitat fragmentation caused by major roads leads to reduction of gene flow and loss of genetic variability in ground beetles. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. Vol. 270: P. 417-423.
  27. Lesbarrères D., Primmer C. R., Lodé T., Merilä J. (2006) The effects of 20 years of highway presence on the genetic structure of Rana dalmatina populations. Ecoscience. Vol. 13: P. 531-536.
  28. Magle S. B., Ruell E. W., Antolin M. F., Crooks K. R. (2010) Population genetic structure of black-tailed prairie dogs, a highly interactive species, in fragmented urban habitat. J. of Mammalogy. Vol. 91 (2): P. 326-335.
  29. Mikulíček P., Pišút P. (2012) Genetic structure of the marsh frog (Pelophylax ridibundus) populations in urban landscape. European Journal of Wildlife Research. Vol. 58 (5) P. 833-845.
  30. Noël S., Ouellet M., Galois P., Lapointe F.-J. (2007) Impact of urban fragmentation on the genetic structure of the eastern red-backed salamander. Conservation Genetics. Vol. 8 (3): P. 599-606.
  31. Peakall R., Smouse P. E. (2006) GENAIEX 6: genetic analysis in Excel. Population genetic software for teaching and research. Molecular Ecology Notes. Vol. 6 (1): P. 288-295.
  32. Rubin C. S., Warner R. E., Bouzat J. L., Paige K. N. (2001) Population genetic structure of Blanding’s turtles (Emydoidea blandingii) in an urban landscape. Biological Conservation. Vol. 99 (3): P. 323-330.
  33. Saarikivi J., Knopp T., A. Granroth A., Merilä J. (2013) The role of golf courses in maintaining genetic connectivity between common frog (Rana temporia) populations in an urban setting. Conservation Genetics. Vol. 14: P. 1057-1064.
  34. Schulte U., Veith M., Mingo V. et al. (2013) Strong genetic differentiation due to multiple founder events during a recent range expansion of an introduced wall lizard population. Biological Invasions. Vol. 15 (12): P. 2639-2649.
  35. Sumner J., Jessop T., Paetkau D., Moritz C. (2004) Limited effect of anthropogenic habitat fragmentation on molecular diversity in a rain forest skink. Gnypetoscincus queenslandiae. Molecular Ecology. Vol. 13 (2): P. 259-269.
  36. Wright S. (1970) Random drift and shifting balance theory of evolution. In: K.-i. Kojima, editor. Mathematical topics in population genetics. Berlin; Springer-Verlag; P. 1-31.
  37. Zeisset I., Beebee T. J. (2010) Larval fitness, microsatellite diversity and MHC class II diversity in common frog (Rana temporaria) populations. Heredity. Vol. 104 (5): P. 423-430.
  38. Вычалковская Н. В. (2008) Распространение и внутривидовая изменчивость Крымского эндемичного моллюска Brephulopsis cylindrica (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Buliminidae) за пределами нативного ареала. Вестник зоологии. Т. 42 (3): С. 229-235.
  39. Вычалковская Н. В., Крамаренко С. С. (2008) Находка Brephulopsis cylindrica (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Buliminidae) в городе Киеве. Вестник зоологии. Т. 42 (1): С. 92.
  40. Гааль Э., Медьеши Г., Верецкеи Л. (1982) Электрофорез в разделении биол. макромолекул. М.: Мир. 448 с.
  41. Крамаренко С. С. (1995) Фенотипическая изменчивость крымских моллюсков рода Brephulopsis Lindholm (Gastropoda; Pulmonata; Buliminidae). Автореф. дисс… канд. биол. наук. Киев. 18 с.
  42. Макеева В. М., Белоконь М. М., Малюченко О. П. (2005) Оценка состояния генофонда природных популяций беспозвоночных животных в условиях фрагментарного ландшафта Москвы и Подмосковья (на примере кустарниковой улитки Bradybaena fruticum (Müll). Генетика. Т. 41 (11): С. 1495-1510.
  43. Сверлова Н. В. (1998) Знахідка Brephulopsis cylindrica (Gastropoda, Buliminidae) у Львові. Вестник зоологии. Т. 32 (5-6): С. 72.
  44. Снегин Э. А. (2011) Оценка жизнеспособности популяций особо охраняемого вида Cepaea vindobonensis (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Pulmonata) в условиях юга лесостепи среднерусской возвышенности. Вестник КрасГАУ. № 11: С. 142-148.
  45. Шитиков В. К., Розенберг Г. С., Крамаренко С. С., Якимов В. Н. (2008) Современные подходы к статистическому анализу экспериментальных данных / Под ред.: Г. С. Розенберга, Д. Б. Гелашвили / Проблемы экологического эксперимента (Планирование и анализ наблюдений). Тольятти: СамНЦ РАН; «Кассандра». С. 212-250.
  46. Andersen L. W., Fog K., Damgaard C. (2004) Habitat fragmentation causes bottlenecks and inbreeding in the European tree frog (Hyla arborea). Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Biological Sciences. Vol. 271 (1545): P. 1293-1302.
  47. Arens, P. F. P., van der Sluis T., van't Westende W. P. C. et al. (2007) Genetic population differentiation and connectivity among fragmented Moor frog (Rana arvalis) populations in the Netherlands. Landscape Ecology. Vol. 22: P. 1489-1500.
  48. Balashov I. A., Kramarenko S. S., Zhukov A. V. et al. (2013) Contributions to the knowledge of the terrestrial molluscs of southeastern Ukraine. Malacologica Bohemoslovaca. Vol. 12: P. 62-69.
  49. Chao A., 2005. Species richness estimation. In: Balakrishnan N., Read C. B., Vidakovic B., editors. Encyclopedia of Statistical Science. NY; Wiley. P. 7907-7916.
  50. Chiappero M. B., Panzetta-Dutari G. M., Gómez D. et al. (2011) Contrasting genetic structure of urban and rural populations of the wild rodent Calomys musculinus (Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae). Mammalian Biology. Vol. 76 (1): P. 41-50.
  51. Delaney K. S., Riley S. P. D., Fisher R. N. (2010) A rapid, strong, and convergent genetic response to urban habitat fragmentation in four divergent and widespread vertebrates. PLoS ONE. Vol. 5 (9): e12767.
  52. Desender K., Small E., Gaublomme E., Verdyck P. (2004) Rural-urban gradients and the population genetic structure of woodland ground beetles. Conservation Genetics. Vol. 6 (1): P. 51-62.
  53. Dubey S., Ursenbacher S., Pellet J., Fumagalli L. (2009) Genetic differentiation in two European tree frog (Hyla arborea) metapopulations in contrasted landscapes of western Switzerland. Amphibia-Reptilia. Vol. 30: P. 127-133.
  54. Excoffier L., Smouse P. E., Quattro J. M. (1992) Analysis of molecular variance inferred from metric distances among DNA haplotypes: application to human mitochondrial DNA restriction data. Genetics. Vol. 131 (2): P. 479-491.
  55. Gibbs J. P. (1998) Genetic structure of redback salamander Plethodon cinereus populations in continuous and fragmented forests. Biological Conservation. Vol. 86 (1): P. 77-81.
  56. Giordano R., Cortez J. C. P., Paulk S., Stevens L. (2005) Genetic diversity of Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) in Chuquisaca, Bolivia based on the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Vol. 100 (7): P. 753-60.
  57. Gortat T., Rutkowski R., Gryczyńska-Siemiątkowska A. et al. (2013) Genetic structure in urban and rural populations of Apodemus agrarius in Poland. Mammalian Biology. Vol. 78 (3): P. 171-177.
  58. Hirota T., Hirohata T., Mashima H. et al. (2004) Population structure of the large Japanese field mouse, Apodemus speciosus (Rodentia: Muridae), in suburban landscape, based on mitochondrial D-loop sequences. Molecular Ecology. Vol. 13 (11): P. 3275-3282.
  59. Hitchings S. P., Beebee T. J. C. (1997) Genetic substructuring as a result of barriers to gene flow in urban Rana temporaria (common frog) populations: implications for biodiversity conservation. Heredity. Vol. 79 (2): P. 117-127.
  60. Hitchings S. P., Beebee T. J. C. (1998) Loss of genetic diversity and fitness in Common Toad (Bufo bufo) populations isolated by inimical habitat. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. Vol. 11 (3): P. 269-283.
  61. Hoehn M., Sarre S. D., Henle K. (2007) The tales of two geckos: does dispersal prevent extinction in recently fragmented populations? Molecular Ecology. Vol. 16 (16): P. 3299-3312.
  62. Hummer O., Harper D. A. T., Ryan P. D. (2001) PAST version 1.39: Paleontological statistical software package for education and data analysis. Paleontologia Electronica. Vol. 4: P. 1-9.
  63. Keller I., Largiadèr C. R. (2003) Recent habitat fragmentation caused by major roads leads to reduction of gene flow and loss of genetic variability in ground beetles. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. Vol. 270: P. 417-423.
  64. Lesbarrères D., Primmer C. R., Lodé T., Merilä J. (2006) The effects of 20 years of highway presence on the genetic structure of Rana dalmatina populations. Ecoscience. Vol. 13: P. 531-536.
  65. Magle S. B., Ruell E. W., Antolin M. F., Crooks K. R. (2010) Population genetic structure of black-tailed prairie dogs, a highly interactive species, in fragmented urban habitat. J. of Mammalogy. Vol. 91 (2): P. 326-335.
  66. Mikulíček P., Pišút P. (2012) Genetic structure of the marsh frog (Pelophylax ridibundus) populations in urban landscape. European Journal of Wildlife Research. Vol. 58 (5) P. 833-845.
  67. Noël S., Ouellet M., Galois P., Lapointe F.-J. (2007) Impact of urban fragmentation on the genetic structure of the eastern red-backed salamander. Conservation Genetics. Vol. 8 (3): P. 599-606.
  68. Peakall R., Smouse P. E. (2006) GENAIEX 6: genetic analysis in Excel. Population genetic software for teaching and research. Molecular Ecology Notes. Vol. 6 (1): P. 288-295.
  69. Rubin C. S., Warner R. E., Bouzat J. L., Paige K. N. (2001) Population genetic structure of Blanding’s turtles (Emydoidea blandingii) in an urban landscape. Biological Conservation. Vol. 99 (3): P. 323-330.
  70. Saarikivi J., Knopp T., A. Granroth A., Merilä J. (2013) The role of golf courses in maintaining genetic connectivity between common frog (Rana temporia) populations in an urban setting. Conservation Genetics. Vol. 14: P. 1057-1064.
  71. Schulte U., Veith M., Mingo V. et al. (2013) Strong genetic differentiation due to multiple founder events during a recent range expansion of an introduced wall lizard population. Biological Invasions. Vol. 15 (12): P. 2639-2649.
  72. Sumner J., Jessop T., Paetkau D., Moritz C. (2004) Limited effect of anthropogenic habitat fragmentation on molecular diversity in a rain forest skink. Gnypetoscincus queenslandiae. Molecular Ecology. Vol. 13 (2): P. 259-269.
  73. Wright S. (1970) Random drift and shifting balance theory of evolution. In: K.-i. Kojima, editor. Mathematical topics in population genetics. Berlin; Springer-Verlag; P. 1-31.
  74. Zeisset I., Beebee T. J. (2010) Larval fitness, microsatellite diversity and MHC class II diversity in common frog (Rana temporaria) populations. Heredity. Vol. 104 (5): P. 423-430.

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