Peculiarities of negative consequences of mutagenic action

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Background. Estimation of correlation between genotype-mutagen interaction and mutagen depression is a main topic of this paper. Materials and methods. Eight winter wheat varieties were treated by gamma-rays and chemical mutagens. The frequency and spectrum of chromosomal aberrations, parameters of field growing and development were investigated. Results. Frequency of chromosomal aberrations, plant survival and some parameters of yield structure are reliable indicators of mutagen depression. Repeat action of same mutagen lead to decreasing of chromosomal aberrations number. Conclusion. Mutation varieties are less sensitive to some types of mutagen action.

About the authors

Nikolay Nikolayevich Nazarenko

Dnepropetrovsk State agrarian-economic university

PhD at biol. sciences, Department of breeding and seedfarming


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Copyright (c) 2015 Nazarenko N.N.

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