Bioindication of the ecological state (health) of coastal waters based on the use of automatic bioelectronic systems





The paper presents the data obtained in the study of the health of the ecosystems in a number of recreational areas of the Black Sea and the Eastern Gulf of Finland. Prompt assessment of the health of the ecosystems was carried out by testing the health of adult bivalve mollusks inhabiting them, using the functional load method based on the analysis of their heart rate measured by a fiber-optic bioelectronic system. The goal of the study is to test the innovative bioindication technology developed earlier by the authors on the basis of the above-mentioned method in the regional programs for environmental monitoring of the ecosystems of coastal marine and freshwater recreational water areas (using the example of a number of water areas of Sevastopol, as well as several freshwater areas of the Kurortniy District of St. Petersburg. It has been established that the functional state of mollusks may serve as an indicator of excessive pollution of coastal waters by the objects that discharge insufficiently treated wastewater from their local treatment facilities, including household wastewater. The technology applied in this study for the assessment of functional state of local species of molluscs may be effectively used to solve the problems of early diagnostics of alterations in the health status of coastal aquatic ecosystems and contribute to ensuring the ecological safety of recreational water areas, serving as an infobase for the development of science-based environmental management decisions. Taking into account a high expressiveness and easy-to-use technology applied in the study (which does not require expertise for its practical implementation), this technology may be considered as the best available technology for biomonitoring the water quality of recreational waters in Russia.


Sergey Kholodkevich

St.Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia;
Scientific Research Center for Ecological Safety RAS, Saint Petersburg, Russia

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7561-9743

D.Sc. In Engineering, Leader Scientist, Head of Lab.


Tatyana Kuznetsova

Scientific Research Center for Ecological Safety RAS, Saint Petersburg, Russia


Ph.D. in Biology, senior researcher of lab. of bioelectronic methods for geo-ecological monitoring


Maxim Kirin

The A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Sevastopol, Russia


principal engineer


Ilya Smirnov

St.Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia


master student


Olga Rudakova

St.Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia


master student


Vasiliy Lyubimtsev

Scientific Research Center for Ecological Safety RAS, Saint Petersburg, Russia


Ph.D. in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, senior researcher of lab. of bioelectronic methods for geo-ecological monitoring


Alexandra Manvelova

Scientific Research Center for Ecological Safety RAS, Saint Petersburg, Russia


researcher at the laboratory of economic problems of environmental safety


Olga Susloparova

St. Petersburg branch of the Federal state budgetary scientific institution "all-Russian research Institute of fisheries and Oceanography" named after L. S. Berg; Scientific Research Center for Ecological Safety RAS, Saint Petersburg, Russia


Ph.D. in Biology, Adviser to the Manager, leading researcher 


Vladimir Perelygin

Saint-Petersburg State and Chemical Pharmaceutical University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0999-5644
SPIN 代码: 3128-7451
Researcher ID: AAV-6556-2020

Doctor  of  Medicine (MD),  Professor,  Head  of  the  Industrial Ecology Department

俄罗斯联邦, 197376, Россия,Санкт-Петербург, ул. Профессора Попова, д. 14,литер.А;

Olga Sakharova

Scientific and production company "NEFTEKHIMEKOPROEKT", Saint Petersburg, Russia





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版权所有 © Kholodkevich S.V., Kuznetsova T.V., Kirin M.P., Smirnov I.S., Rudakova O.A., Lyubimtsev V.A., Manvelova A.B., Susloparova O.N., Perelygin V.V., Sakharova O.A., 2020

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