Review and revision of the tribe Baphieae Yakovl. (Fabaceae)





The article gives an overview of the small and archaic tribe Baphieae (Fabaceae, Fabales). The study is devoted to the taxonomic revision of the Baphieae tribe and and the phylogenetic relationships within the group based on the morphological, anatomical, palynological and molecular characteristics. It was carried out on the basis of studying about 5,000 herbarium leaves in 12 European and African botanical institutions. The study was performed using the morphological-geographical and molecular-phylogenetic analysis methods. The article provides information on the morphological features of the species included in the tribe, their geographical distribution and chemical composition. The results of phylogenetic analysis have been presented. According to it, it can be argued that the tribe Baphieae is a monophyletic group occupying a relatively isolated position among the subfamily of moths, based on morphological and molecular characteristics. The proposals for a new structure of the tribe have been made. The identification of several phylogenetic lineages within the tribe and the basal position of the genus Dalhousiea have been substantiated. Further studies have been identified.



Mikhail Gonharov

Saint-Petersburg State and Chemical Pharmaceutical University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia


Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor Department of Pharmacognosy

俄罗斯联邦, 197376, Russia, St. Petersburg, st. Professor Popova, 14, letter A

Gennady Yakovlev

Saint-Petersburg State and Chemical Pharmaceutical University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia


Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Associate Professor Department of Pharmacognosy,

俄罗斯联邦, 197376, Russia, St. Petersburg, st. Professor Popova, 14, letter A


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