Monitoring of the safety of plant-based feed by the content of ecotoxicants





Currently, the issues of the safety of plant-based feed in terms of the content of ecotoxicants remain relevant and are directly related to the intensification of the agro-industrial complex and ensuring the food security of the country. Thus, when assessing the possibility of using plant feeds, great importance is paid to monitoring the content of such ecotoxicants as toxic elements, pesticides, pyrene-free, radionuclides and others.

The accumulation of ecotoxicants on the territory of agricultural lands determines the need for regular monitoring of their content, and in polluted territories - the use of a system of agrotechnical and agrochemical measures for their detoxification. The main danger of ecotoxicants lies in their entry into the human body and animals through food, including plant origin, and accumulative capacity. In this regard, issues related to the study of the content of ecotoxicants in feed and plants of agricultural lands, assessment of the degree of pollution of agroecosystems have significance and relevance.


Tamara Kalyuzhnaya

St. Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

SPIN 代码: 4389-8955

Ph.D. in Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise

俄罗斯联邦, St. Petersburg

Diana Orlova

St. Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

SPIN 代码: 4682-5251

Ph.D. in Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise

俄罗斯联邦, St. Petersburg


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