Erratum in “Volumetry versus linear diameter lung nodule measurement: an ultra-low-dose computed tomography lung cancer screening study” (doi: 10.17816/DD117481)





In the article "Volumetry versus linear diameter lung nodule measurement: an ultra-low-dose computed tomography lung cancer screening study" published in Digital Diagnostics journal Volume 4 Issue 1 in 2023 (doi: 10.17816/DD117481) contained an error in the paragraph with data of funding sources for the study.

At the request of the authors’ team, the error was eliminated, the original version of the published article and the information on the journal’s site was replaced with the corrected one.

Correct text of the changed: This paper was prepared by a group of authors as part of the research work (USIS No. 123031400009-1) in accordance with the Order issued by the Moscow Health Care Department No. 1196 dated December 21, 2022.

The authors and the publisher apologize to readers for the published error and express their confidence that this mistake could not significantly affect the perception and interpretation of the results of the study described in the text of the article.


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