
Radiomics for diagnosing clinically significant prostate cancer PI-RADS 3: what is already known and what to do next?
Tyan A., Karmazanovskij G., Karelskaya N., Kondratyev E., Kovalev A.
Automated assessment of facial nerve dysfunction
Dembovskiy M., Boiko A.
Radiomics in the differential diagnosis of gastrointestinal stromal tumors and leiomyomas. A literature review
Martirosyan E., Karmazanovsky G., Kondratyev E., Sokolova E.
Hypothesis testing using R
Blokhin I., Kodenko M., Shumskaya Y., Gonchar A., Reshetnikov R.
Development of a prognostic model for diagnosis of prostate cancer based on radiomics of biparametric magnetic resonance imaging apparent diffusion coefficient maps and stacking of machine learning algorithms
Kuznetsov A.
Artificial intelligence in clinical physiology: How to improve learning agility
Shutov D., Sharova D., Abuladze L., Drozdov D.
Artificial intelligence in ultrasound of thyroid nodules, prognosis of I-131 uptake
Manaev A., Trukhin A., Zakharova S., Sheremeta M., Troshina E.
Substantiation of a new approach to the criteria for assessing the radiation dose of patients during computed tomography
Matkevich E., Sinitsyn V., Ivanov I.
Digital approach to estimate clinical images of the cervix with ImageJ software
Dushkin A., Afanasiev M., Afanasiev S., Grishacheva T., Karaulov A.
MRI evaluation of the neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy result in a patient with rectal cancer, supplemented with T2-WI texture analysis of the tumor: a clinical case
Dayneko Y., Berezovskaya T., Myalina S., Orekhov I., Nevolskikh A.
Dosiomics in the analysis of medical images and prospects for its use in clinical practice
Solodkiy V., Nudnov N., Ivannikov M., Shakhvalieva E., Sotnikov V., Smyslov A.
A chat-bot in rheumatoid arthritis treatment control
Prokofeva Y., Zheleznykh E., Menshikova I.
The experience of using artificial intelligence for automated analysis of digital radiographs in a city hospital
Borodulin B., Gogoberidze Y., Zhilinskaya K., Prosvirkin I., Sabitov R.
Assessment of chewing efficiency with artificial intelligence
Levashov N., Gus’kov A., Oleynikov A., Domashkevich N.
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