Rec. ad op.: Bloomsbury Handbook of the Russian Revolution / ed. by G. Swain. l.: Bloomsbury, 2022. 656 p




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Igor Bogomolov

Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow, Russia


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  2. Bloomsbury handbook of the Russian Revolution / Ed. by G. Swain. L., 2022.
  3. Douds L. «The dictatorship of the democracy»? The Council of peoples’ Commissars as Bolshevik - Left Socialist revolutionary coalition government, December 1917 - March 1918 // Historical Research. Vol. 90. 2017. № 247.
  4. Heywood A. Spark of revolution? Railway disorganisation, freight traffic and Tsarist Russia’s War effort, July 1914 - March 1917 // Europe-Asia Studies. 2013. № 4.
  5. Thatcher I.D. The «Russian» civil wars, 1916-1926: ten years that shook the world, by Jonathan D. Smele // Canadian-American Slavic Studies. Vol. 52. 2018. № 4.

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