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Nº 2 (2023)


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Dead participants of the Time of Troubles (reburials as part of the socio-political crisis)

Shokarev S.


During the Time of Troubles, several exhumations were carried out, some of which took the form of public actions (the destruction of the grave of Boris Godunov, the burning of the remains of False Dmitry I, the transfer of the relics of Tsarevich Dmitry Uglichsky). The meaning of these events was reduced to two opposite trends: destruction and restoration. Destruction was directed against the graves and remains of political enemies. The restoration has become part of the political rehabilitation and revival of the traditional order. In addition to the political, these events had a deep religious and symbolic meaning, giving a sacred meaning to the «right» side, and an infernal meaning to the «false» side.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(2):3-15
pages 3-15 views

Cities of the Russian North in the 1620s-1640s: possibilities and limitations of statistical methods

Liseitsev D.


The article is devoted to the dynamics of the economic development of the Russian North in the 1620s-1640s. The involvement of sources on the amount of customs and tavern fees allowed us to trace the gradual growth of treasury revenues received from the cities of the North. At the same time, the increase in budget fees led to the ruin of the local population and the growth of social tension.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(2):16-39
pages 16-39 views

"They didn't want to treat the sovereign directly": to the history of Artamon Matveev's disgrace

Morokhin A.


The paper considers the medical aspect of the disgrace of the boyar A.S. Matveev, associated with the passing away of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The research is based on a set of sources introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. As a result, it is concluded that the medical aspect of Matveev's disgrace contributed to his death in 1682.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(2):40-53
pages 40-53 views

Historical chronology and the initial old russian chronicle

Danilevsky I.


The chronological systems used by the first chroniclers are very poorly understood. The purpose of the article is to propose a new method that will clarify our understanding of the chronographic (annual) dates given in The Tale of Bygone Years. The article proposes to use information about indirect manifestations of solar activity to identify texts that precede The Tale of Bygone Years. This made it possible to identify several reports of the Tale of Bygone Years, the annual dates of which are given according to the Annian era, which was 5500 years from the Creation of the world BC. A hypothesis that in one of the sources used by the compiler of The Tale of Bygone Years, annual dates are given in the Annian era, was proposed on this basis.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(2):54-63
pages 54-63 views

Distribution of the cyrillic printed book of the 16th-17th centuries in the regions of Russia

Kokoreva T., Pozdeyeva I.


The paper, for the first time, raises and resolves the question of how in XVI-XVII centuries’ copies of books printed in Cyrillic by Moscow Printing House and other printing houses were distributed to regions of Russia. The books analyzed in this paper were identified, studied and received scientific descriptions, as a part of the long-term efforts by the Moscow State University archaeographers and local specialists trained by them. The paper analyzes 2,932 copies of 520 publication titles that were delivered to regions in XVI-XVII century and preserved there until the end of the twentieth century. The ratio of Moscow and foreign publications in the regions, included in the study, allows to assume coordination of publishing plans between foreign Slavic printing houses and Moscow Printing House.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(2):64-75
pages 64-75 views

Imperial travelogues by I. K. Babst and K. P. Pobedonostsev

Melentyev F.


The paper is cover the study of how the canon of the royal travelogue developed. As a result of a comparative analysis of the descriptions of the travels of the heirs to the throne in 1837, 1863 and 1869, the author came to the conclusion that the teachers of Tsarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich (1843-1865) I.K. Babst and K.P. Pobedonostsev departed from the established tradition of creating chronicles of the highest journeys. F.I. Melentyev proves that the unsigned brochure "The Journey of the Sovereign heir Tsarevich and the Empress Tsarevna in 1869" written by Pobedonostsev.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(2):76-83
pages 76-83 views

Preliminary investigation into the case of the tomsk pogrom of 1905 and siberian justice

Krestiannikov E.


The article is devoted to one of the cruelest atrocities in the history of late imperial Siberia and the circumstances of its investigation by the justice authorities. Tomsk survived the pogrom, which was characterized by an aggravation of political confrontation, the intensification of criminal elements, numerous acts of murder and robbery. The preliminary investigation of the crimes committed was carried out slowly, experiencing numerous obstacles and influences. This was dictated by the scale of the atrocities, the peculiarities of the investigative situation, the limited resources of the judiciary, the interest of the authorities, various groups, and individuals to hide traces of their involvement in the escalation of bloodshed.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(2):84-99
pages 84-99 views

Professor N. P. Zagoskin – rector of the Imperial Kazan University

Usmanova D.


The article is devoted to the biography of Nikolai Pavlovich Zagoskin (1851-1912), an outstanding representative of Kazan professorship, whose fate was connected with Kazan Imperial University for more than forty years. In 1906 he was highly honored and trusted by his colleagues and was elected the rector of the Kazan University. N.P.Zagoskin's rectorate was held during one of the most difficult periods in the history of Russian universities. The years of the first Russian revolution are characterized by the unusual activity of students' movement, accelerated involving of the university representatives into social-political life of the country, strained relations of the university professorship with the higher administration represented by trustees and people of the Ministry of education. In spite of the short period of N.P.Zagoskin's term in office (1906-1909) this administrative experience was of great importance for the university and for the rector himself. N.P. Zagoskin belongs to the most prominent and influential rector in the history of Kazan University.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(2):100-110
pages 100-110 views

The fight against illegal logging in the European North of Russia in the end of the 18th - first half of the 19th century (on the materials of the Vologda province)

Plekh O.


The article examines illegal logging in the Vologda province at the end of the XVIII - first half of the XIX century on a wide range of archival materials. Particular attention is paid to the activities initiated by the state to combat this phenomenon, and the activities of local officials that contributed to its prosperity. In the European North of Russia, both unauthorized logging, organized by peasants for their own needs, and illegal logging by industrialists under the patronage of local officials, had a significant scope. It is shown that the formation of forest protection legislation continued throughout the entire period, but, despite all attempts to improve the rules for the use of forests, it was hardly possible to create a management system and effective supervision, excluding the possibility of abuse, even by the middle of the 19th century.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(2):111-132
pages 111-132 views

Private enterprise in logging in 1919-1921: the idea of the center and the opposition of the regions

Voyeikov E.


The article considers the policy of the Main Forestry Committee of the Supreme Economic Council on attracting private capital for firewood harvesting to combat the fuel crisis in 1919-1921, which has not been studied in the scientific literature. The research is based mainly on archival materials introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, and media publications of this period. The author used the materials of two central (GARF and RGAE) and four regional (Penza, Samara, Saratov, Ulyanovsk regions) state archives. The struggle of regional leaders against the ill-conceived policy of the center for the introduction of private capital for logging is shown. The conclusion is made about the fallacy of the widespread use of private entrepreneurs without taking into account local conditions for logging in the provinces of European Russia in an extreme situation of the economic crisis.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(2):133-145
pages 133-145 views

Features of military construction in the White South(on the example of the Troops of the Novorossia Regionof the Armed Forces of the South of Russia)

Posadskiy A.


The article examines the practice of military construction within the Armed Forces of the South of Russia - in the troops of the Novorossiysk region of General N.N. Shilling in the second half of 1919 - early 1920. The characteristic of the Novorossiysk region from the point of view of the composition of the population is given. An outline of attempts to deploy large infantry formations based on the personnel of the old Russian army is proposed. The conclusion is made about the reasons for the failures of these efforts. The behavior of the population of Novorossiya and partly of the Right-Bank Ukraine was assessed and it was concluded that the main available resources of the white command were military corporations and a number of national minorities, primarily colonists. In the absence of active support of the white power from the majority of the Russian-Ukrainian population, the white command could not create stable and numerous formations, although the white troops showed good results practically until the end of the struggle.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(2):146-160
pages 146-160 views

"Russification" of the Soviet architecture in 1930-1940s: ideology, theory, practice

Pechenkin I.


The article is dedicated to attempts to construct "national in form, socialist in content" architecture in the Stalinist USSR. In course of a campaign to appropriate the classical heritage, these attempts did not acquire the character of a clear and well-structured policy. However, being themselves a reflection of ideological trend towards Russian nationalism in the pre-war and war years, they influenced the ideas about the historical role of Russian architecture as well as the worldview of architects and the appearance of specific buildings.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(2):161-171
pages 161-171 views

"The Palace of advanced scientific thought" as a reflection of the epoch: on the history of the creation of a new territory of the Moscow University on Leninskiye Gory

Golikov K.


The article examines the history of the creation of the Lomonosov Moscow State University complex on the Leninskiye (Vorobyovy) Gory, the 70th anniversary of the opening of which is celebrated in 2023, based on the materials of the MSU Archive. The cultural and historical aspect of its creation after the victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 reflects the socio-economic conditions, philosophical views, trends in culture, social tastes of the era and aesthetic preferences of the creators. In the architectural and landscape composition in the style of "triumph", the social image of the "palace of science" and the concept of the "garden city" were developed, embodied in the context of the modernization of the 1930s in the project of the "academic campus". An integral part of the new territory of the Moscow State University is the Botanical garden, the director-organizer of which - Professor Nina Alexandrovna Bazilevskaya (1902-1997) - a student of N. I. Vavilov - was 120 years old in 2022.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(2):172-184
pages 172-184 views

The border of the young Russian state

Galkin T.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(2):185-186
pages 185-186 views
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pages 193-194 views

«In the Shadow of Gods» by Dominic Lieven

Airapetov O.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(2):195-200
pages 195-200 views

Russian emperors between tradition and modernization

Andreev D.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(2):201-205
pages 201-205 views

Omsk Foresights and Kolchak’s House

Puchenkov A.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(2):205-208
pages 205-208 views
pages 209-211 views

Regions of the Russian Empire: a view from the 21st century

Shilovskii M.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(2):212-217
pages 212-217 views
pages 217-221 views
pages 222-223 views

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