Informatics and Automation

"Informatics and Automation" is a scientific, educational, and interdisciplinary journal primarily intended for papers from the fields of computer science, automation, and applied mathematics. The journal is published in both printed and online versions. The printed version has been published since 2002, the online one since 2010. Frequency: 6 times in year. Fee for the processing and publication of an article is not charged. The maximum term of the paper’s reviewing comprises 3 months.

ISSN (print): 2713-3192, ISSN (online): 2713-3206

Media registration certificate: ПИ № ФС 77 - 79228 from 25.09.2020

Founder: St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Editor-in-Chief: Rafael Midhatovich Yusupov, Corr. Member of RAS, Ph.D., Dr. Sci.

Frequency / Assess: 6 issues per year / Open

Included in: White List (2nd level), Higher Attestation Commission list, RISC, Scopus

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