Corrigendum to “Schizophrenia: a narrative review of etiological and diagnostic issues” (Consortium Psychiatricum, 2022, Volume 3, Issue 3, doi: 10.17816/CP132)




There is an error occurred in the article “Schizophrenia: a narrative review of etiological and diagnostic issues” published in the Consortium Psychiatricum journal (Volume 3 Issue 3) by Sofia Oskolkova. Due to a technical error on author’s and editorial parts and without any malicious intent, the “Errors in diagnostics of schizophrenia” chapter links to incorrect references.

The publisher made changes to the electronic version of the published article (PDF and HTML) on the journal’s website instead of the version with errors. 

The authors team and the editorial board of the journal are sure that the mistakes could not significantly affect the perception and interpretation of the published work by readers, and should not become the reason for retraction.
The authors team and the editorial board apologize to the readers for the mistakes made.


There is an error occurred in the article “Schizophrenia: a narrative review of etiological and diagnostic issues” published in the Consortium Psychiatricum journal (Volume 3 Issue 3) by Sofia Oskolkova. Due to a technical error on author’s and editorial parts and without any malicious intent, the “Errors in diagnostics of schizophrenia” chapter links to incorrect references.
The publisher made changes to the electronic version of the published article (PDF and HTML) on the journal’s website instead of the version with errors. 
The authors team and the editorial board of the journal are sure that the mistakes could not significantly affect the perception and interpretation of the published work by readers, and should not become the reason for retraction.
The authors team and the editorial board apologize to the readers for the mistakes made.



Sofia Oskolkova

V. Serbsky National Medical Research Centre of Psychiatry and Narcology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


dr. sci (med.), professor, leading researcher, branch of endogenous psychosis of the department of forensic psychiatric expertise in criminal proceedings, the Serbsky state scientific center for social and forensic psychiatry

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

版权所有 © Oskolkova S.N., 2023

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