40Ar/39Ar age of phengite from sandstone of the ophiolite-derived clastic sequence of the basin of the Rassokha River, collision belt of the Chersky Range




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The Early Permian (275.3 ± 3.1 Ma) 40Ar/39Ar plateau age of detrital mica (Cr-phengite) from clasts in listvenite sandstones of the ophiolite-derived clastic sequence of the Rassokha Terrane of the Chersky Range probably corresponds (or is close) to the time of the formation of listvenites of the provenance (ophiolitic massifs of the range) and restricts the maximum deposition age of clastic rocks. A partial loss of Ar by mica as a result of deformations and postsedimentation transformation of rocks of the ophiolite-derived clastic sequence in the Early Permian is possible but it is less probable.




G. Ledneva

Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: ledneva@ginras.ru
俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

A. Travin

V.S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, SB RAS

Email: ledneva@ginras.ru
俄罗斯联邦, Novosibirsk

S. Sychev

Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Earth Sciences; A. P. Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute

Email: ledneva@ginras.ru
俄罗斯联邦, Moscow; St. Petersburg; St. Petersburg

B. Bazylev

V. I. Vernadsky Institute of geochemistry and analytical chemistry, RAS

Email: ledneva@ginras.ru
俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

A. Rogov

LLC Gold Mining

Email: ledneva@ginras.ru
俄罗斯联邦, Якутск

S. Sokolov

Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: ledneva@ginras.ru

Corresponding Member of the RAS

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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2. Fig. 1. The position of the research area in the scheme of tectonic zoning of the Verkhoyano-Kolyma folded region [3] with changes in [2] and simplifications. 1 – Verkhoyansk fold-thrust belt; terranes: 2 – passive continental margin; 3 – cratonic (Omolonsky); 4 – island-arc; 5 – turbidite; 6 – turbidite foot of the continental margin (shale belt); 7 – accretion wedge, composed mainly of oceanic sediments; 8 – accretion wedge, mainly turbidite (Polousno-Debinsky); 9 – ophiolite massifs; 10 – thrusts; 11 – shifts; 12 – faults. AG – Arga-Tassky, AZ – Alazeysky, OVO – Omulevsky, OVR – Rassokhinsky terranes; MUY – Uyandinsky ophiolite massif.

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3. Fig. 2. Chromic phengite in listvenite sandstone. Images in secondary scattered electrons: (a) a section of sandstone saturated with fragments of listvenites, (b) a finely scaled fengite aggregate in a lithoclast of larch; (c) a large grain of fengite in fusion with chrome spinel and aggregates of small lamellar mica grains in the bulk; (d) small grains of lamellar phengite in fusion with chrome spinelide. Abbreviations: List – larch, Cal – calcite, Dol1 – dolomite in the composition of lithoclasts of larch, Dol2 – ferruginous dolomite fringes around lithoclasts of larch and a network of veins composing sandstone cement, Dol3 – dolomite of small lithoclasts of dolomite rocks, Phen – chromic phengite, Qtz – quartz, Spl – chrome spinelide.

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4. Fig. 3. Distribution of potassium and magnesium in mica and dolomites.

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5. Fig. 4. Results of 40AG/39Ar dating of mica from listvenite sandstone. The isochronous diagram (a), the Ca/K spectrum (b) and the age spectrum (c) are shown. The points on the isochronous diagram for which linear regression is calculated are highlighted in green.

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