Vasilinovskoye ore occurrence – a new copper-gold-platinoid object in the Polar Urals (Russia, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district): first information




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The first data on the composition of rocks and precious metals in the Vasilinovskoye copper-gold-platinoid occurrence, new in the Polar Urals, localized in metagabbro and metapyroxenites of the Late Ordovician Caershor Complex, are presented. It is shown that rocks containing productive gold-platinum mineralization are confined to zones of hydrothermal alteration and are mainly represented by apogabbro and apopyroxenite propylites. The temperature of formation of propylites obtained by pyrite-pyrrhotite and chlorite geothermometers corresponds to albite-calcite-chlorite and epidote-chlorite facies and varies within 200–310 °C. The main ore mass is composed of pyrite, chalcopyrite and magnetite. Pyrrhotite, sphalerite, cobaltite, zinc greenockite, galena, ilmenite, titanite, rutile, cinnabar, native tin, molybdenite, coloradoite, supergene ones – bornite, covellite, minerals of the chalcocite-spioncopite series, malachite, azurite, iron hydroxides are noted. Noble metal mineralization is represented by mercury-bearing gold (including mercuric electrum, mercuric kustelite), gold and silver sulfides and tellurides (sylvanite (AuAgTe4), petzite (Ag3AuTe2), acanthite (Ag2S), hessite (Ag2Te), tegamite (Pd3HgTe3), minerals of the isomorphic series merenskyite-moncheite (PdTe2-Pt, Pd)(Te, Bi)2), stibiopalladinite (Pd5Sb2), kotulskite (PdTe), sperrylite (PtAs2), sopcheite (Ag4Pd3Te4), intergrowths of platinoids and an unknown mineral, with an idealized formula Pd(Sb, Te), possibly a tellurium-rich variety of sudburyite (PdSb). By mineralogical methods, it has been established that precipitation of precious metals occurs after the sample is crushed to a dimension of –0.25 mm, relatively large <0.15 mm gold grains are separated first, then, during the crushing of sulfides, smaller gold flakes and precious metal grains are separated. It is shown that the Vasilinovskoye ore occurrence is promising in terms of gold and platinoids.




R. Shaybekov

Institute of Geology Federal Research Center, Komi Scientific Center, Urals Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

俄罗斯联邦, Syktyvkar

I. Gubarev

Kazan Federal University


Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies

俄罗斯联邦, Kazan

E. Tropnikov

Institute of Geology Federal Research Center, Komi Scientific Center, Urals Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

俄罗斯联邦, Syktyvkar


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2. Fig. 1. Geological map of the Vasilinovsky copper-gold- platinoid manifestation in the contour of the Am- fibolite deposit of building stone (compiled from the materials of V. D. Mokria with use [4, 5]) with author's additions and changes. Symbols: 1-2 – Karshorsky dunite-verlite- clinopyroxenite-gabbro complex: 1 – clinopyroxenites, 2 – gabbro hornblende, gabbro amphibolites, amphibolites; 3 – Soba gabbro- tonalite complex: hypabyssal dikes of quartz diorites; 4 – geological boundaries; 5-8 – discontinuous faults : 5 – by according to geological and geophysical data, 6 – according to geological data, 7 – according to geophysical data, 8 – fracture zones; 9 – quarry of building stone; 10 – samples and their numbers (according to the Model V. D.): a / b - gold / platinoids, c – minerals of noble metals were not found; 11 – insets to the map: 1 – Vasilinovskoye copper-gold- platinoid manifestation, 2 – New Year's gold deposits- Monto and Petropavlovsk, 3 ‒ copper-gold- palla

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3. Fig. 2. Rock varieties within the Vasilinovsky ore occurrence: a – metagabbro; b – clinopyroxenite; c – ore apogabber propylite; g – ore apopyroxenite propylite; d – carbonate-quartz- sulfide vein; e – epidote-chlorite- quartz-sulfide vein. The size of the ruler is 2 cm.

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4. Fig. 3. Platinoids from propylites and pyritized quartz-chlorite- epidote veins and veins: a– sperrylite and unidentified phase of composition (Pt, Pd)Te2 in magnetite; b – fusion of merenskiite and kotulskite in pyrite ; c – moncheite grain in pyrite; g – temagamite with a border of coloradoite and a grain of coloradoite in chalcopyrite; d – inclusions of temagamite and merenskiite in chlorite; e – stibiopalladinite in a crack in pyrite; g – fusion of sopcheite, hessian, sphalerite with bornite edging in pyrite; h – inclusion of sadberite with gold in pyrite; and – a mixture of platinoids in a chalcopyrite vein in pyrite. The abbreviations of the minerals are given here and below according to [13]: Py – pyrite, Mag – magnetite, Ccp – chalcopyrite, Bn – bornite, Sp – sphalerite, Chl – chlorite, Spy – sperrilite, Ktu – kotulskite, Mrk – merenskiite, Mon – moncheite, Tem – temagamite, Clr – coloradoite, Stpdn – stibiopalladinite, Sop – sopcheite, Hes is Hessian, Sdb is sadberite.

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5. Fig. 4. Amalgams of gold and silver in pyrite from propylites: a – quicksilver custelite in fusion with zinc gridokite and chalcopyrite; b - mercury electrum in fusion with chalcopyrite; c – inclusion of high–grade gold; d – inclusion of relatively low-grade gold. Py – pyrite, Ccp – chalcopyrite, Cv – covellin, Zn-Gnk – zinc greenockite, Ttn – titanite, Chl – chlorite, Qtz – quartz, Cal – calcite, Ep – epidote, Amf – amphibole, Hg-Kyustelite – mercury kyustelite, Hg-Electrum – mercury electrum, Hg-Au – mercury gold.

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6. Fig. 5. Gold-platinoid mineralization from protoliths. Py – pyrite, Ccp – chalcopyrite, Hem – hematite, Bn – bornite, Mrk – merenskiite, Tem – temagamite, Stpdn – stibiopalladinite, Hg-Kyustelite – mercury kyustelite, Hg-Electrum – mercury electrum.

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