Neoproterozoic and Cambrian protolith of the metamagmatic rocks of the Maksyutovo metamorphic complex in the Southern Urals: results of U-Th-Pb (SIMS) dating of accessory zircon



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The U-Pb-age of the accessory zircon of the metamorphic rocks magmatic protolith of the UHP Maksyutovo complex was determined (U-Th-Pb by the SIMS (SHRIMP II) method).

The protolith age was most confidently determined for metabasite shales in two samples (648±3 and 566±3 Ma). The age of zircon from shales, the chemical composition of which corresponds to andesidacites– is 549±4 Ma. The age of the protolith of garnet-omphacite metabasite rocks is 501±5 Ma. Two crystals of magmatic zircon with an age of 893±6 Ma, representing a xenogenic population, were separated from eclogites. The age value of 561±10 Ma for the protolith of eclogites, according to the data of the previous researchers, is assumed. Magmatic complexes with an age close to the range of the obtained values of the age of the protolith (549–648 Ma) are known in the Uraltau zone and represent fragments of the volcanic-plutonic belt of the active continental margin. The integral age of the metamorphism of the Maksyutovo complex from two samples of this area is 380±3 Ma.

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Sobre autores

A. Ryazantsev

Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Rússia, Moscow

B. Golionko

Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

Rússia, Moscow

A. Skoblenko

Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

Rússia, Moscow

A. Razumovskiy

Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

Rússia, Moscow

S. Sobolev

Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Rússia, Moscow


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Arquivos suplementares

Arquivos suplementares
2. Fig. 1. Maksyutovsky complex in the area of the Shubinsky titanium deposit (a), compiled using [13], geological sections along the lines A‒B‒C and G‒D‒E (b), a diagram of the structures of the Southern Urals (c), a histogram and a graph of the probability density of the age distribution of grains of clastic zircon from the Karamalin metagravelites of the Karamalin series (d) from [9]. 1 – loose Cenozoic deposits; 2 – Paleozoic deposits undifferentiated; 3 – Yumaguzinskaya “series”, metaarcoses, phengite quartzites with glaucophane, metagrauvacchi, metavolcanites of medium composition; 4 – Karamala “series", graphite quartzites and quartzite-shales, metagrauvacchi, metavolcanites of basic and medium composition; 5 – serpentinite melange with blocks of metagabbroids; 6-7 – tectonic mix: 6 – zones of converging eclogite bodies, 7 – fengite and glaucophane-fengite shales, graphite shales; 8 – tectonic contacts: The Main Ural fault (a), other faults – mapped (b), assumed (c); 9 – sampling points on U‒Pb-issl

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3. Fig. 2. Eclogites by pillow basalts. The left tributary of the Mryazourgan river.

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4. Fig. 3. Cathode-luminescent micrographs of accessory zircon crystals from samples 1433, 2133, p295, 2135, 2128. The point numbers correspond to the analysis numbers in Table 2.

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5. Fig. 4. Concordia diagrams for zircon rocks of the Maksyutov complex. 1-2 – sample 1433, eclogites of the Shubinsky deposit, metamorphic zircon (1), magmatic zircon (2); 3-4 – sample 2133 – garnet-omphacite rocks, metamorphic zircon (3), magmatic zircon (4); 5 – samples 1433 and 2133 combined , metamorphic zircon; 6 – sample p295, muscovite-albite- glaucophane-zoisite- garnet shales; 7 – sample 2135, muscovite-amphibole- albite shales; 8 – sample 2128, amphibole-albite shales.

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