Anatomy of digestive system and feeding mechanism of Quatuoralisia malakhovi (Hemichordata, Torquaratoridae)




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An anatomical study of the digestive system of the deep-sea enteropneust Quatuoralisia malakhovi was carried out. It is shown that the lateral collar lips are twisted in such a way that they form a ciliary groove leading to an internal channel through which the collected detritus particles are transferred to the peripheral pharyngeal channels. The size of the selected particles ranges from 1–6 μm to 100–200 μm, which corresponds to feeding on the remains of planktonic diatoms. The importance of the faecal cord as an anchor holding the heavily watered jelly-like body of Torquaratoridae at the sea floor during feeding is noted.




V. Malakhov

Lomonosov Moscow State University


Academician of the RAS

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

A. Lukinykh

Lomonosov Moscow State University

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

O. Ezhova

Lomonosov Moscow State University

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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2. Fig. 1. Feeding Quatuoralisia malakhovi on the sediment surface; drawing based on underwater photographs. Scale: 5 cm. an – anus; bgr – branchiogenital subpart of the trunk; fe – fecal cord; fs – furrows in the sediment left by the lateral collar lips; hpr – hepatic subpart of the trunk; hs – hepatic diverticula; inr – intestinal subpart of the trunk; lp – lateral collar lips; pr – trunk.

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3. Fig. 2. The appearance of Quatuoralisia malakhovi from the ventral side and cross-sectional diagrams at the corresponding levels (1 – through the lateral collar lip, 2 – through the branchiogenital subpart of the trunk, 3 – through the hepatic subpart of the trunk, 4 – through the intestinal subpart of the trunk). Scale: 1 mm. cg – ciliary sulcus on the lateral collared lips; gb – gill septa; gp – gill pores; icl – internal canal in the lateral collared lips; int – intestine; pph – peripheral pharyngeal canals; mo – mouth; mvf – midventral sulcus; mvr – midventral ridge; pbr – parabranchial ridges. The remaining symbols are shown in Fig. 1.

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