National institutional projects as a tool for economic security



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Considering the current processes of institutional change, the author substantiates the theoretical significance of the study and the practical need for the formation and implementation of national institutional projects as a set of institutional innovations that create new institutions and a new quality of the institutional environment. In the context of the growing scale and destructive potential of new threats to the development of the economy and society, the priority criterion for evaluating institutional projects should be the tasks of ensuring the national economic security of the Russian Federation. Based on expert assessments of the near-term prospects for breakthrough achievements in the most important branches of scientific knowledge, the author concludes that it is necessary to advance the implementation of national institutional projects aimed at integrating the ecosystem of science and the ecosystem of the digital economy on institutional foundations that ensure the protection of personal information and personal identity from threats of manipulation and unauthorized use, the protection of intellectual property of innovators, as well as the organization of scientific exchange and RD financing, adequate to the features of the current stage of scientific and technological progress. A special task of such institutional projects is to counteract the deepening of the digital divide, which implies not only the expansion of digital technology by new contingents of users and the increase in the corresponding skills and competencies of users, but also equal access for all categories of the population, including those who do not have digital competencies, to the services of institutions and organizations of healthcare, education, culture, state and other necessary services.

Sobre autores

Andrey Kolomiets

Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)

Ведущий научный сотрудник Сектора экономической безопасности, доктор экономических наук


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Declaração de direitos autorais © Kolomiets A.G., 2023

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