To the problem of new industrialization and evolution of technological modes in the Urals. Part 1. Primary Practices

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The article studies the practices of regional industrialization, signs of transition to the next technological order and key parameters of its activation based on ideas about energy production cycles and historical analysis of technological shifts in the basic branches of the Ural industry. The factor of spatial approaches to its placement is also investigated. The possibilities of actualization of historical practices in modern conditions are verified. The possibilities of actualization of historical practices in modern conditions are verified. Two platforms for accelerating the transition to higher technological modes are highlighted: (a) the first platform relies on internal capacity; b) The second platform is focused on external extraterritorial technological borrowing and importation. The relationship between the evolution of the administrative formations of the region and industrial complexes with the prevailing technological modes was studied in order to understand the features of the historical territory of the Urals. The influence of changes in the size of the territory has been studied in the formation of branches of the regional economy and industrialization, its relationship with territorial rent and sectoral differentiation has also been studied. It is shown that the size of administrative entities and industrial complexes of the territory is associated with the evolution of production energy cycles. This predetermines the status, as well as the historical perspective of the territory, its readiness for new industrialization.

About the authors

Vladimir V. Litovskiy

Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch Russian of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Dr. Sci. (Geograph.), Head of the Productive Force and Territorial Planning Sector at the Institute of Economics Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation


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