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Diretrizes para Autores

Suggested in the article material should be original, not published earlier in other printed media, and also contain an evident element of creation of a new knowledge


Preparação da Submissão

Enviando o manuscrito a escritório editorial para avaliação, os autores são obrigados a concordar com todas as seguintes cláusulas. O manuscrito pode ser devolvido aos autores desde que este não corresponde a estas cláusulas.

  • The article is presented in Russian or in English in published (A4 size) and in electronic (e-mail: forms

  • In front of the title of the article the cipher UDC is put (

  • The title of the work, list of authors in the alphabetic order (Surname, first name &patronymic, place of work, index and address of the place of work, scientific degree, rank, job position, e-mail, mobile phone), abstract, key words, references should be presented in Russian and in English.

  • The volume of the abstract is not less than 1000 printed characters with spaces. Requirements for the abstract

  • Key words should reflect the main scientific content of article, terms - not less than 7 words or word combinations.

  • Text of the article should be typed in the text editor Word for Windows with the extension doc or rtf with the typeface Times New Roman 14 type size in 1,5 interval.

  • The volume of the main text should be within the framework of 10–20 pages

  • Figures and tables suggest the existence of title and consecutive numbering

  • Bibliographic list is designed in accordance with the GOST R 7.05–2008 in the order of citation after the main text. Recommended number of sources - 20 and more, but not less than 10, links on foreign sources are welcomed (2-3 links).

  • Links on the cited literature in the text are obligatory and are given in square brackets, for example [14, p. 28]. Links on foreign sources are presented in the source language.

    ATTENTION! Bibliographic list in English is denoted as References. With the help of transliteration surnames, cities, publishing houses are translated.

  • Information about the authors in Russian and in English is also obligatory to indicate


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Имена и адреса, указанные Вами при регистрации на этом сайте, будут использованы исключительно для технических целей: контакта с Вами или с рецензентами (редакторами) в процессе подготовки Вашей статьи к публикации. Они ни в коем случае не будут предоставляться другим лицам и организациям.


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