
Modeling of the innovation process of industrial enterprises in modern conditions
Osipova-Barysheva E.
Problems of information support in the management of innovation activities of Russian knowledge-intensive and high-tech enterprises
Podbornova E., Podbornov A.
Concept of the development of the innovative processes of a research and production enterprise
Korolev M., Khorev A., Lutchenkо V., Lukina O.
Innovation project as a transformation process
Dektyareva A.
Systematization of industrial innovation management based on the project approach
Osipova-Barysheva E.
Intellectual capital of the university in the conditions of transformation of the innovation market
Kovelskiy V., Tyukavkin N.
System of assessment and forecasting of regional industrial systems development prospects taking into account the innovation-technological factor
Gorky A.
Transformation processes of infrastructural institutions of the national innovation system of Russia in the context of import substitution of innovations
Bogatyrev V., Tyukavkin N., Vasiliev B.
Concept of energy efficiency improvement management at industrial enterprises of the region in the conditions of its innovative development
Anisimova V.
Assessment of the impact of innovative potential of universities on the development of Russian regions
Alabaeva N.
Stochastic models of the dynamics of the maximum and optimal profit of a manufacturing enterprise introducing technological innovations
Ilyina E., Saraev L.
Formation of strategic direction of the company using tools for adapting the possibility of formalizing approaches
Lapshina M., Lukina O.
Institutional structure and state regulation of NIS
Tyukavkin N., Vasiliev B., Moiseenko D.
Solvency of the population as an indicator of socio-economic development of the territory in conditions of a crisis
Nikolaeva N., Zhuravleva T.
The role of technoparks in the development of innovation activity and strengthening the technological sovereignty of Russia
Skornichenko N., Strelkova N.
Cluster-network mechanism in ensuring innovative regional development
Milyukov A., Goman K.
Applying lean principles to innovation management
Ivanov D., Savin A.
Problems of ensuring effective Russian Federation industrial enterprises innovative activities management
Vasyaycheva V.
Economic and mathematical models of transformation manufacturing enterprise, taking into account the dynamics of its innovative potential
Aksinin V., Saraev L.
Main directions of the implementation of import substitution strategy in the industry of the Samara region
Tyukavkin N., Anisimova V.
Actual issues of Russian energy sector development
Shekhov I., Shekhova N.
Green technology & innovation: its implications on the sustainable development in Indian context
Pandey M., Pandey M.
1 - 22 的 22 信息


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