Development of hydraulic devices with elastic regulating elements





Currently, when creating the actuators of deep-sea vehicles and other technical facilities, there is a tendency to accommodate the elements of the hydraulic drive outside the durable housing. Such hydraulic systems are subject to the risk of depressurization, which leads to the ingress of working fluid (mineral oils or synthetic working fluids) into seawater and flooding of the hydraulic system's working fluid with seawater. The ingress of the working fluid into seawater leads to the violation of environmental safety, and if seawater enters the internal cavities of the hydraulic system, they may be damaged, which will require long and expensive repair in the future. One of the possible ways to eliminate the listed consequences of depressurization of outboard hydraulic systems is the creation of hydraulic equipment using seawater as a working fluid. The cheapest design of such a regulatory body is the use of shut-off valves with elastic tubular control elements. The research carried out confirmed the possibility of creating low-noise regulators with elastic control elements. These regulators have better vibroacoustic characteristics than spool-type throttles with similar functional characteristics.  Preservation of the operating characteristics of regulators with elastic regulating elements when working with working fluids of different viscosities (PGV liquid, mineral oil, tap water) was confirmed. Survivability of a regulator with elastic control elements during long-term tests was confirmed. As a result of the work carried out, research and technological groundwork was obtained that allows creating a device with elastic regulating elements, having a flow differential characteristic that meets modern requirements, a vibroacoustic characteristic that meets advanced requirements and sufficient reliability when working on clean working fluids.


E. Berestovitsky

Avrora JSC


Doctor of Science (Engineering), Leading Researcher


Y. Gladilin

Avrora JSC


Candidate of Science (Engineering), Associate Professor, Head of Laboratory, Chief Acoustician


N. Pyalov

Avrora JSC


Candidate of Science (Engineering), Leading Researcher



  1. Veltishchev V.V. Prospects for development of underwater hydraulic seawater. Underwater Investigations and Robotics. 2014. No. 2 (18). P. 19-28. (In Russ.)
  2. Berestovitsky E.G., Gladilin Yu.A., Pyalov N.V. Fabrication of hydraulic equipment with elastic adjusting elements. Sudostroenie. 2021. No. 6 (859). P. 44-48. (In Russ.)

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