Models for determining the orientation of the solar battery of an observation spacecraft relative to the Sun during object survey and retargeting



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Simplified models and algorithms have been developed to estimate the current value of the angle between the normal to the plane of the solar panel and the sun vector at the time of object survey and during the reorientation of the Earth remote sensing spacecraft, taking into account the relative movement of observation objects in the field of view of the spacecraft. The models differ from the existing ones in that they do not require knowledge of the spacecraft control programs at pitch, roll and yaw angles at each moment of time of the process of its targeted functioning and re-targeting, Based on the obtained models, a software module that does not require large computing resources used in the simulation software package simulating targeted functioning of the space surveillance system has been developed, taking into account the long-term orbital motion of satellites, changes in the parameters of the orbit, the sun vector and other factors. The adequacy of the developed models was verified by visualizing the orbital motion of the spacecraft and its turns during re-targeting, as well as by comparing the simulation results with the results of analytical calculation for particular cases of the initial data. Examples of the implementation of software windows are given.

Sobre autores

V. Kurenkov

Samara National Research University

Autor responsável pela correspondência

Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor of the Department of Space Engineering


E. Pupkov

Samara National Research University


Senior Lecturer



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