Editorial Policies

Aims and Scope

The results of science researches, theoretical and experimental investigations, the materials of science conferences, seminars, symposiums are published in the journal according to the sections: Aircraft and Space Rocket Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Information Science, Computing Technology and Control. Articles can be published in Russian or English.

Focus of the journal:

  • to encourage and ensure development and prompt distribution of new scientific knowledge and breakthrough achievements in the area of aircraft and space-rocket engineering in the world academic community;
  • to form the image of Russian science by careful selection and assessment of the scientific component of the material published in the journal;
  • to form an integrated community of scientists and specialists of research institutions, industrial enterprises and universities interested in the development of the areas of science and engineering corresponding to the remit of the journal.

Scope of the journal:

  • ensuring a high level of preparing the incoming materials for publication in accordance with international practices and world standards;
  • publication of the results of completed original investigations in various fields of aircraft and space-rocket engineering and related areas not published anywhere previously;
  • ensuring broad scope and detailed presentation of new problems, tasks and their solutions in the area of aircraft and space-rocket engineering;
  • compliance of the journal’s politics with the international standards (COPE standards).


Peer Review Process

1 Organization of reviewing

1.1 Typescripts of scientific papers (other materials) submitted to the editorial board of the journal are due to compulsory reviewing.

1.2 Scientists having established authority and working in the area of research to which the content of the typescript refers are engaged in reviewing. Scientists who engage in reviewing have a long practice in the area of the articles content and own publications in this area in last three years. The author or co-author of the paper reviewed, as well as scientific supervisors of candidates for degrees and co-workers of the author(s) cannot act as reviewers.

1.3 The terms of reviewing are defined in each particular case by the executive editor, but they cannot exceed 4 months since the moment the paper is submitted to the editorial board of the journal.

1.4 Reviewing is confidential. Information about the reviewer is anonymous for the authors and is intended only for the editorial board (blind peer review). The reviewer’s name can be disclosed to the author only with consent of the reviewer.

1.5 Reviewers cannot use the knowledge of the paper’s content in their own interests until it is published.

1.6 Two copies of the review are prepared: one, containing the information about the reviewer (last, first and middle names, contact details, signature) is retained by the editorial board, while the second one (without any personal information or signature) is sent to the author(s). 

1.7 The editorial board of the journal sends the reviews to the author(s) in electronic form. The papers revised by the author are sent once again to the same reviewer who made critical remarks or another reviewer at the discretion of the board.

1.8 If the author does not agree with the reviewer’s remarks they can apply for a second reviewing or revoke the paper and inform the editorial board of the journal about it.

1.9 If the review is unfavorable the paper may be passed over to another reviewer at the author(s)’s request. This other reviewer is not informed of the results of the previous reviewing. If the result is once again unfavorable copies of the unfavorable reviews are sent to the author(s).

1.10 In case of refusal to send the paper to be reviewed or rejecting the typescript presented by the author(s) the editorial board is to provide the author(s) with well-reasoned grounds for the refusal.

1.11 The final decision of the expediency of publication after reviewing is taken by the editorial board.

1.12 The following kinds of papers are not accepted for publication in the journal:

  • papers the subject matter of which has no relevance to the journal’s research area;
  • papers that are not properly designed, the authors of which refuse to revise the papers technically;
  • papers the authors of which have  not revised the paper in accordance with the reviewer’s constructive remarks.

Authors found guilty of plagiarism are deprived of the possibility to have their papers published in the journal ”Vestnik of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering”.

1.13 Reviews of the materials submitted are kept at the publishing house during 5 years since the day of publication

1.14 Authors do not have to pay for having their papers reviewed.

2 Requirements for the content of the review

2.1 The review should contain qualified analysis of the paper material, its unbiased and reasoned assessment and sound recommendations.

2.2 The review is made up in accordance with the form proposed by the editorial board or in free form with compulsory coverage of the following points:

  • conformity of the paper’s content to its title;
  • conformity of the paper to the requirements of article submission guidelines;
  • general characteristics and evaluation of the paper’s content (area of research, purpose, timeliness, including scientific concepts and results outlined in the paper, its validity and significance, prospects of practical applications);
  • content of the paper (originality of the material, absence/presence of earlier publications, presence of false statements, points at issue etc.);
  • presentation (clarity, conciseness, presence and completeness of reference aids, typography);
  • possibility of compressing the paper’s size without detriment to the understanding of the presented scientific concepts and results;
  • what exactly are the paper’s strong points and drawbacks, what corrections and additions should be introduced by the author(s).

2.3 The final part of the review should contain conclusions concerning the paper on the whole and recommendations as to whether the paper can be published in the journal “Vestnik of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering”, sent to be revised or not recommended for publication in the particular research area.


Publication Frequency

The journal “Vestnik of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering” is issued in print format and published 4 times per year. 


Open Access Policy

The “Vestnik of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering” provides immediate open access to all articles published therein on the basis of principles formulated in the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) definition, and applies the CC BY 4.0 Licence to all content we publish. The journal provides direct Open Access to its content on the basis of the following principle: free open access to the results of research contributes to the increase of global knowledge sharing.



The journal uses the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) to digitally preserve all the published articles. The PKP PN is a part of LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) program offers decentralized and distributed preservation, seamless perpetual access, and preservation of the authentic original version of the content.

Also, the journal makes full-text archives on the Russian Science Electronic Library (http://elibrary.ru/) platform.


Publication Charge

The Journal doesn't charge authors either article processing charges (APC), or article submission charges. No fees are charged at any stage of the publication process, including submission, reviewing, editing and publishing.


Publication Ethics

The main principles of Publication Ethics accepted by the journal “Vestnik of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering” are based on the Declaration “Ethical principles of scientific publications” developed by the Association of Science Editors and Publishers (ASEP), as well as on the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE): 


License Information

Content of this journal is licensed under a CC-BY 4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License) that permits anyone to use its articles so long as the original authors and source are cited: to download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute and/or copy articles and create new material for any purpose.


Plagiarism Detection

All the manuscripts submitted to the Journal are checked for incorrect borrowings and plagiarism using either the Antiplagiat system (for papers written in Russian) and online sources Google Scholar or Exactus Like (for papers written in English)



Articles in the journal are indexed by several systems: Russian Index of Science Citation (eLIBRARY.RU), DOAJRussian Science Citation Index (Web of Science), CIBERLENINKAInspecAcademic Search Ultimate (EBSCOhost), EastViewUrlich’s Periodicals DirectoryCrossRef.

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