Development of «Science of Self-Improvement» at the Internet Through the Prism of Economic Security of the Individual




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The WEB.2.0 era, which opened up almost universal access to the Internet for every person, entailed the formation of a gigantic set of self-proclaimed experts in various branches of knowledge. During the epidemic, the amount of time spent using the Internet and Internet applications significantly increased, which was a kind of klondike, and served as an incentive for the development of the «science of self-improvement», the promotion of methods based on human emotions of fears, the desire for speedy enrichment, healing, improvement. The article presents the positive and negative aspects of social media. Based on his own observations, the author compiled a brief description of persons who actively manifest themselves in the Internet space (bloggers, coaches, coaches), in the context of ensuring the economic security of the individual, and also presents a typical algorithm of actions of persons who implement trainings, marathons and courses in the Internet space, regardless of the field of educational activities.


Marina Bulgakova

Academy of Management of Internal Affairs of Russia


Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor at the Department of Organization of Financial and Economic, logistical and medical services; Academy of Management of Internal Affairs of Russia

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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