The Maturity of the Legal and Regulatory Framework in the Field of Cybersecurity in Latin America according to the Capability Maturity Model




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In 2016, Mexico, Argentina and Chile joined the Cancun Declaration «Ministerial Declaration on the Digital Economy: Innovation, Growth and Social Prosperity», in which ministers and representatives from 41 countries and the European Union committed to work together to reinforce the Internet’s openness, bridge digital divide, develop digital skills and strengthen the potential of the digital economy. However, with the exponential increase in the amount of digital data in cyber environments, security measures are becoming increasingly important. National and international entities are identifying cybersecurity threats, and the number of these threats is increasing daily. Addressing cybersecurity risks is possible if a productive and enforceable legal policy in the field of cybersecurity is in place. Therefore, in order to analyze the effectiveness of the regulatory framework, we use one aspect of the CMM model “Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model for States”. Admittedly, for a number of countries, the development of the digital economy has become an impetus for the development of new legal mechanisms and practices to protect the rights of individuals, companies, institutions; rights and sovereignty of states from cyber threats and cyber terrorism.


Anna Yakovleva

The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), full professor, senior lecturer Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation


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