Institutional problems in food economic accessibility amidst new global challenges



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A systematic assessment of food consumption amidst two new global challenges is given. The main problems of the dominant trends of economic theory are shown: the need to transform the goal of economic development, the revision of economic rationality as the main criterion and the expansion of the principle of methodological individualism. The current situation in the field of food consumption requires the development and implementation of a set of institutional measures aimed at increasing real incomes of the population, increasing effective demand, overcoming food poverty, mitigating interregional and intraregional differentiation of the most important social parameters. A set of social innovations aimed at solving institutional problems in the field of food economic accessibility in modern conditions is proposed. Food poverty and food insecurity, the lack of economic accessibility of many basic foodstuffs for a significant part of the population with low incomes indicates the need for a consistent increase in the subsistence minimum and minimum wage and tax exemption for the population with minimum incomes. The formation of the state program of domestic food aid as a way to support low-income groups of the population and national food producers is becoming increasingly relevant. Based on the principle of continuity of strategic planning, it is advisable to clarify the provisions of the Concept taking into account modern realities in the form of new global challenges.

Sobre autores

Elena Reshetnikova

The Institute of Agrarian Problems is a separate structural subdivision of the Federal Research Center «Saratov Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences»

Заведующая лабораторией стратегии развития институциональной среды АПК, доктор экономических наук, профессор


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Declaração de direitos autorais © Reshetnikova E.G., 2023

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