Editorial Policies

Aims and Scope

The Journal aims at publication of results of original scientific research concerning the state and interaction of geospheres (atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere) within coastal and shelf areas of seas and oceans, methods and means of study thereof, ecological state of these areas under anthropogenic load as well as environmental protection issues.

The Journal's editorial board sees its mission as scientific, educational and regulatory work to preserve the ecological balance and restore the resource potential of coastal and shelf areas believing that despite the geographical limitations of the areas under study, the processes taking place within them have a significant impact on the waters of the seas and oceans and economic activity.


  • Share research results with national and foreign experts
  • Improve academic paper quality
  • Provide assistance to scholars (especially young ones) in preprint preparation of articles that meet current requirements of the research and publication ethics
  • Create and develop a scientific basis for ecologically sound environmental management within the coastal and shelf areas of seas and oceans, construction in the coastal area, creation of coastal protection structures, conservation of beaches and recreational areas, preparation of a theoretical basis for developing scientifically justified recommendations to local state authorities taking decisions when planning and implementing environmental protection measures
  • Draw the general public’s attention to environmental protection issues

The Journal publishes original research materials, results of research performed by national and foreign scientific institutions in the coastal and shelf zones of seas and oceans, review articles (at the editorial board's request) and brief reports on the following major topics:

  • Scientific basis for complex use of shelf natural resources
  • Marine environment state and variability
  • Coastal area state and variability; coast protection structures
  • Monitoring and estimates of possible effects of anthropogenic activities
  • Development and implementation of new marine environment control and monitoring technologies

The outcome of the research is information on the status, variability and possible effects of anthropogenic activities in the coastal and shelf marine areas, as well as the means to perform calculations and to provide information for making decisions on the implementation of activities in the coastal zone.

Articles published in the Journal may be of interest for scholars working in the field of geosciences and studying the Earth’s geographical envelopes and their interaction as well as for the non-specialist audience who care about environmental protection and sustainable nature management issues.

Publication frequency: quarterly.

Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea is on the LIST of peer reviewed academic journals of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, where one may publish main research results of a Ph.D. thesis in the following field:

1.6.14 – Geomorphology and paleography (geographical sciences),

1.6.17 – Oceanology (geographical sciences, physical and mathematical sciences, technical sciences),

1.6.18 – Atmosphere and Climate Sciences (geographical sciences, physical and mathematical sciences,),

1.6.20 – Geoinformatics and cartography (geographical sciences),

1.6.21 – Geoecology (geographical sciences).

The Journal is indexed in:

Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)

Google Scholar

Journal Coverage: the Russian Federation, other countries.

Publication Languages: Russian, English


Peer Review Process

  1. The editorial board admits articles for consideration only if they comply with the submission guidelines. The submission guidelines are established by the editorial board and approved by the editor-in-chief. If it does not fit the Journal’s topic, the article will not be accepted for consideration.
  2. After admitted by the editorial board, all articles are always sent for external reviewing to qualified experts - recognized specialists in the subject of reviewed materials who have published on the subject of the reviewed article within the last three years. The reviewer must not be the author of the article, research supervisor or consultant of the work or project, must not be an employee of the organization where the work was done. The reviewer must not have co-authored the author(s)' previous publications. The reviewer's signature must be transcribed, the full name of the organization in which the reviewer works, position and title must be indicated. The period of reviewing is 1 month.
  3. Peer reviewing in the Journal is single blind.
  4. A peer reviewer is required to:
  • Assess main merits and demerits of the manuscript bearing in mind the following: correspondence of the article’s content to the Journal's specialization, topicality of the chosen topic, scientific and methodical level, use of up-to-date methods, novelty and originality of main statements and conclusions and their theoretical and practical significance
  • Clearly state their opinion as to whether it is practical to publish the manuscript (in part or in full), reject or refine it. The reviewer can make one of four decisions: publication without revision, publication after minor revision, publication after revision and re-review, rejection of the paper
  • When recommending to shorten or refine the manuscript, clearly state what exactly should be shortened and corrected to help the author in the further work on the article
  • In case of a negative review, give well-grounded reasons for rejection of the article
  1. The Journal's editorial board ensures internal peer review to provide an additional expert review: a peer reviewer is appointed from the editorial board. The internal peer review period is up to three weeks.
  2. If the reviewer concludes that refinement is required, the author is sent a copy of the review and given a deadline for refinement.
  3. If the review concludes it is impossible/impractical to publish the article, a reasoned refusal of publication is sent to the author with an excerpt from the attached review.
  4. In case of disagreement with the reviewer’s opinion, the author of the article has the right to submit a reasoned response to the editorial board. The article may be sent for a repeated review.
  5. If the review does not contain an unambiguous conclusion about the quality of the scientific component of the manuscript, the editorial board sends the article to another reviewer to be re-reviewed. In case of a repeated negative peer review report, the author is provided a well-grounded refusal to print.
  6. Peer review results are considered at the Journal's editorial board meeting. In case of a positive review, the article can be put into print by the decision of the editorial board. By a joint decision of the editorial board, articles are accepted for publication in the next issue of the journal. In the case of conflicting opinions about the manuscript under discussion, it is possible to send it for additional review to another specialist. The editor-in-chief reserves the ultimate authority of decision as to article’s rejection, forwarding to refinement or putting into print.
  7. The editorial board is obliged to notify the author of its decision within no more than 3 months of receiving the manuscript. The name of the reviewer can only be communicated to the author with the reviewer's consent.
  8. The author's corrected version of the manuscript, with significant changes made on the comments of the editorial board, is sent for a repeated review, and in case of a positive result it is again proposed to the Journal's editorial board for consideration. In case of a repeated negative peer review report, the author is provided a well-grounded refusal to print.
  9. Original peer review reports are kept by the editorial board for 5 years of the date of the reviewed paper publication in the Journal.
  10. When the article is published, the dates are specified of its admission by the editorial board, receipt a positive review, and accept for publication by the editorial board.
  11. Unpublished manuscripts are not returned to the authors.

16. The editorial board undertakes to send copies of the reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation when requested to do so.


Publication Frequency

Publication frequency: quarterly. Circulation - 150 copies.

The Journal publishes original research results, review articles (at the editorial board's request) and brief reports.

The Journal may publish materials of any author (irrespective of their place of residence, ethnic, racial, gender and national background and academic degree availability) who has submitted a paper that has not been published before and meets the Journal’s requirements.

Articles for publication are admitted on an ongoing basis.

At admission to the editorial board:

  1. The article is registered by the executive secretary of the Journal's editorial board.
  2. The article is checked using the Antiplagiat system. The check report can be sent to the reviewer together with the article materials in case of incorrect and/or illegal borrowings in a significant volume. If the review reveals that the article is a duplicate publication, its text has already been published in another journal (including translated version) or the article reveals a significant proportion of unformatted borrowings (including from the author's previous works), the chief editor decides on the further passage of the manuscript being governed by the ethical rules and standards developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), stated in the Declaration “Ethical Principles for Academic Papers” (in Russian) of the Association of Science Editors and Publishers (ASEP) and adopted by the majority of academic journals according to the Article Retraction Procedure. In such cases, the editorial board reserves the right to send a request to the author for clarification of the situation and if the response is unsatisfactory or the request is ignored, to reject the article and forward the information to the management of the author's organisation.
  3. A primary expert evaluation is performed that includes review of covering documents and assessment of the article’s correspondence to the Journal’s specialization, submission requirements and rules set forth by the editorial board (available at the Journal’s website: general requirements, styleguide).

Main assessment criteria for decision-making as to publication or rejection of an article:

Novelty, topicality and originality of the research

Validity of results and scholarly importance of the performed work

Acknowledgement of contribution of other researchers in the field under consideration and obligatory bibliographical references to all used sources

Inclusion as co-authors of all participants who have made a significant contribution to the conducted research and acceptance of the paper submitted to publication by all the co-authors

The reasons to reject a manuscript before peer-reviewing include revealed violations of the publication ethics (plagiarism, duplicate publication, etc.), non-compliance with the Journal’s specialization, scientific topics and requirements. In case of non-compliance the article is rejected without further peer-reviewing.

  1. All the articles submitted to the editorial board and complying with the Journal's specialization are peer-reviewed.

The peer review procedure in Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea Journal is single blind (the reviewer knows who the authors are whereas the authors do not know who the reviewer is). The peer review period is one month. In case an expert refuses to review the article it is forwarded to another reviewer.

  1. The reviewer may come to one of four decision options: to publish “as is”, publish after minor refinement, publish after refinement and a repeated review, and to reject publication.

In case a decision is made to publish the article after refinement it is forwarded to the authors for improvement, with the comments made in the review to be taken into account. Return of the manuscript for refinement does not mean it is accepted to print. The author is required to submit the refined text along with the original article and response to all the reviewer’s comments within a month. In case the author refuses to refine the article the latter is rejected.

  1. The article refined by the author is forwarded to one of the editorial board member (an expert in the article topic) for expert evaluation. After that, the article is reviewed at an editorial board meeting where it is accepted to print or rejected. In case of discordance of opinions during the meeting with regard to whether to accept the article or not the latter may be forwarded to an additional review. The ultimate authority of decision as to rejection, forwarding to refinement or putting into print shall be reserved by the editor-in-chief. If the article refined by the author is submitted upon expiration of one month period it shall be considered newly submitted. The editorial board does not return manuscripts of rejected articles.

In case the editorial board decides to reject an article, within seven working days it notifies the author of rejection to publish, with reasons for non-acceptance specified.

In case of a corresponding request, the editors send copies of peer review reports to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

  1. Articles accepted by the editorial board undergo scientific, stylistic and technical editing.

The editors send edited articles to the authors for review. All changes to the article are agreed upon by the authors. The final version of the article prepared for publication is approved by the author (if there are several authors, then by the author responsible for communication with the editorial board). The passage of the article through the editorial process is controlled by the editors.

If preferred, upon publication the author may be provided the published article in electronic format.


Open Access Policy

Articles published on the website of Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea Journal are on open access. The open access principle adopted by the Journal entirely meets the conditions set forth in Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing, 2003:

  1. A complete paper version and all supplemental materials in a suitable standard electronic format (pdf) are deposited immediately upon publication at the Journal website that seeks to enable open access, unrestricted distribution, interoperability, and long-term storage.

The author and copyright holder grant to all users a free, irrevocable, worldwide, perpetual right of access to, and a license to use, copy, reproduce or distribute the academic paper, in part or in whole, in any format (provided that no significant changes are made to the article, authorship is properly attributed, citations are properly referenced and no bibliographical data are changed), as well as the right to print the article in small quantities for their personal use. If the article is reproduced or distributed in part this should be clearly and unambiguously stated.



During the calendar year, 4 planned issues are regularly published.

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