Ivan I. Neiding 教授:肖像描绘





2024 年是俄罗斯著名法医、莫斯科帝国大学医学院教授 Ivan I. Neiding 逝世 120 周年。


Ivan I. Neiding 对国内法医学科学和实践的发展做出了重大贡献,他是 19 世纪末莫斯科大学教授中的杰出代表。他的名字与医学院法医学系辉煌的科学繁荣时期联系在一起。在担任系主任的22年里,Ivan I. Neiding 为确保法医学教学满足日益增长的实际需求做了大量工作。这位科学家的创新之路可以作为法医学领域年轻专家的榜样。

文章根据同时代人的回忆和他本人的演讲再现了这位科学家的形象。文章介绍了 Ivan I. Neiding 的生平和工作,以及同时代科学家的回忆和他对法医学的看法。

这项研究不仅具有认知价值,还蕴含着教育年轻专业人员的理念。像 Ivan I. Neiding 这样的人是俄罗斯医学和教育学的彩色篇章。Ivan I. Neiding 的许多研究成果在今天依然适用。


Evgeny Kh. Barinov

Russian University of Medicine; Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia; Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination

Email: ev.barinov@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4236-4219
SPIN 代码: 2112-4568

MD, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow; Moscow; Moscow

Askold V. Smirnov

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

Email: smirnov-avl@rudn.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6017-5310
SPIN 代码: 8821-7740

MD, Cand. Sci. (Med.)

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

Yana A. Voronko

Russian University of Medicine; Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination

Email: vrnkyana@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9191-8500


俄罗斯联邦, Moscow; Moscow


  1. Barinov EH, Korsakov SA. Ivan Ivanovich Neiding, professor of forensic medicine at the Imperial Moscow university. Monograph. Moscow; 2011. 116 p. (In Russ).
  2. Barinov EH, Maltsev AE, Manin AI, Romodanovsky PO. Four Fates. Moscow: RG-Press; 2018. P. 130–195. (In Russ).
  3. Pashinyan GA, Barinov EH, Fadeev SP, Romodanovsky PO. Essays on the history of forensic medicine in Russia (XVI–XIX centuries). Moscow: Robin; 1999. P. 51–56. (In Russ).
  4. Pigolkin YI., Barinov EH, Bogomolova IN. For the benefit of the Fatherland (history of forensic toxicology in selected biographical essays). Monograph. Kirov-Moscow; 2003. P. 62–65. (In Russ).
  5. Pigolkin YI, Barinov EH, Gridasov EV. Professors of forensic medicine of the Moscow Imperial University, 1 MMI, 1 MOLMI, Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov. Monograph. Tula: Tula State University; 2008. 96 p. (In Russ).
  6. Minakov PA. I.I. Neiding. In: Report of the Imperial Moscow University and speech delivered on January 12th, 1905. Moscow: Universitetskaya tipografiya; 1905. P. 448–459. (In Russ).
  7. Pigolkin YI, Barinov EH, Isachenkov PV, Maslov AV. Professor of Moscow University Ivan Ivanovich Neiding. Problems Exp Med. 2004;13(1):28–31. EDN: OKGUHR
  8. Pigolkin YI, Barinov EH, Isachenkov PV, Romanko NA. Ivan Ivanovich Neiding ― Professor of the Moscow University (100 years since death). Forensic Med Exp. 2006;49(1):41–45. EDN: HTAZSP
  9. Pigolkin YI, Lomakin YV, Khodulapov AV. On the occasion of his 180th birthday anniversary of Ivan Ivanovich Neiding. Forensic Med Exp. 2018;61(2):65–67. EDN: YWIZYR doi: 10.17116/sudmed201861265-67


2. Fig. 1. Professor Ivan Ivanovich Neiding. 1890s.

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