









Almas M. Amirov

Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies Under the General Prosecutors Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Email: han1k1986@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9960-9339
SPIN 代码: 2346-7009
哈萨克斯坦, Koshy

Yernar N. Begaliyev

Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies Under the General Prosecutors Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Email: ernar-begaliev@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6659-8576
SPIN 代码: 1929-3392

Dr. Sci. (Legal), Professor

哈萨克斯坦, Koshy

Artur A. Baimakhanov

Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies Under the General Prosecutors Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Email: drartur@list.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8673-8000
SPIN 代码: 9160-2394

Dr. Sci. (Legal)

哈萨克斯坦, Koshy

Dmitry V. Bakhteev

Ural State Law University named after V.F. Yakovlev

Email: dmitry.bakhteev@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0869-601X
SPIN 代码: 8301-7165

Dr. Sci. (Legal), Associate Professor

俄罗斯联邦, Ekaterinburg


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  8. Koshelev DA Timchenko TV. Possibility of using cloud and fog technologies for monitoring the health of military personnel. In: Radiolocation, Navigation, Communication: Proceedings of the XXV International Scientific and Technical Conference dedicated to the 160th anniversary of A.S. Popov. 2019. Vol. 1. Р. 114-123. (In Russ). EDN: WAVBLH
  9. Kupriyanova IA, Zhavoronkova AA. Artificial intelligence in the health care system: analysis, planning and programme solutions. In: Formation of mechanisms of sustainable economic development: Proceedings of the III All-Russian (with international participation) scientific-practical conference. Simferopol; 2023. Р. 277-282. (In Russ). EDN: XANOZC
  10. Nedugov GV. New computer technologies to determine postmortem interval by the Henssge method. Russ J Forensic Med. 2021;7(3):152-158. EDN: NLBPEN doi: 10.17816/fm406
  11. Leonov SV, Shakiryanova YP, Pinchuk PV. Development prospects of 3D modelling in forensic medicine: Bim-technology and 4D modelling. Russ J Forensic Med. 2020;6(1):4-13. EDN: TDKORK doi: 10.19048/2411-8729-2020-6-1-4-13
  12. Klevno VV, Chumakova YV, Pavlik DP, Dubrova SE. Potential of the virtual autopsy in case of firearm injury. Russ J Forensic Med. 2019;5(3):33-38. EDN: PMIIDQ doi: 10.19048/2411-8729-2019-5-3-33-38
  13. Orakbayev AB, Kurmangali ZhK, Begaliyev YeN, et al. ON The issue of using the results of a virtual autopsy in criminal investigation: A review. Russ J Forensic Med. 2023;9(2):183-192. EDN: OEERGD doi: 10.17816/fm774
  14. Bakhteev DV. Artifiial intelligence in forensic science: Current state and application potential. Russian Law: Education, practice, researches. 2018;(2):43-49. EDN: XSESHB
  15. Voyevodkin DV, Rustemova GR, Begaliyev YN, et al. Identifying fake conclusions of forensic medical examinations using an artificial intelligence technology based on the experience in the Republic of Kazakhstan: A review. Russ J Forensic Med. 2023;9(3):287-298. EDN: EFNJIE doi: 10.17816/fm8270
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2. Fig. 1. Chip implantation.

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3. Fig. 2. X-ray of a hand with a chip.

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4. Fig. 3. Interaction of chip and RFID.

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5. Fig. 4. Screenshot of the website www.egov.kz.

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6. Fig. 5. Carrying out computer technical examination.

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7. Fig. 6. Gun with RFID sensor.

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