纪念Vladimir Alexandrovich Klevno教授





2023年8月25日,俄罗斯法医学遭受了无法弥补的损失:我们的同事和朋友、《法医学》杂志主编Vladimir A. Klevno教授去世了。

文章介绍关于俄罗斯法医学杰出人物、医学博士Vladimir A. Klevno教授生平和创作道路的信息,他曾是保健组织者、M.F.Vladimirsky莫斯科州临床科学研究所高等医学教育学院法医学教研组主任、法医学、病理解剖学和保健组织最高资格认证医生、俄罗斯自然科学院院士、国家医学会理事会成员、法医专家协会主席、《法医学》杂志主编。


Evgeniy H. Barinov

Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov; Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia; Bureau of Forensic Medicine; Association of Forensic Medical Experts

Email: ev.barinov@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4236-4219
SPIN 代码: 2112-4568

MD, Dr. Sci (Med.)

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow; Moscow; Moscow; Moscow

Pavel L. Ivanov

Russian Centre of Forensic Medical Expertise

Email: dna@rc-sme.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4753-3125

Dr. Sci (Med.), Professor

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

Natalya A. Romanko

Bureau of Forensic Medicine; Association of Forensic Medical Experts; Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute

Email: romankomko@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2113-0480
SPIN 代码: 9828-8160

MD, Cand. Sci. (Med.)

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow; Moscow; Moscow

Evgeny V. Kononov

Association of Forensic Medical Experts

Email: evgk_v@mail.ru
俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

Artem V. Goryachev

Bureau of Forensic Medicine; Institute of Nanotechnology of Microelectronics

Email: agorachev@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6987-218X
俄罗斯联邦, Moscow; Moscow



2. Brainov_1

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3. 5th year student of the Faculty of Medicine, deputy secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the ASMI, commissar of the university and zonal detachments Vladimir Klevno in the carriage of the Barnaul - Kamen-on-Obi train.

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4. With the participants of the final scientific conference of the RCSME on the street. Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya. Moscow, November 17–18, 2005

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5. An international team of forensic experts from Thailand and Russia in a mobile center for forensic medical research, storage, processing and dispatch of dead bodies. O. Phuket, 2004

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6. At the site of the Airbus A310 plane crash of Siberia Airlines (S7) in Irkutsk on July 9, 2006 with Doctor of Medical Sciences. S.S. Abramov and the head of the Bureau of Medical Examiners of the Irkutsk Region S.N. Proskurin

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7. Interregional exercises to test the interaction of rapid response teams of BSME, disaster medicine and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Central Federal District to eliminate the consequences of emergencies with numerous casualties. Suzdal, March 27–28, 2007

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8. Congratulations from the Chairman of the Association of Forensic Physicians of China, Academician Liu Yao, on the 75th anniversary of the RCSME. Moscow, 2006

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9. Welcoming speech from the Minister of Health of the Moscow Region N.V. Suslonova to the participants of the final conference of the State Budgetary Institution of Healthcare of the Moscow Region “Bureau of SMEs”. Moscow, 2014

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10. The editorial board after awarding the journal “Forensic Medical Examination” with the Order “For Service to Russia”, II degree. 2008

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11. Rapid response team of the BSME of the Rostov region, headed by Deputy Chief A.E. Panov (far left). In the center is the First Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation - Head of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation A.I. Bastrykin and the head of the working group of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, Chief Forensic Expert of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, Director of the Russian Center for Forensic Medicine V.A. Cool. Tskhinvali, South Ossetia, 2008

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12. Gratitude to the team of the State Budgetary Institution of Healthcare of the Moscow Region "Bureau of Medical Examinations" from the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov for their significant contribution to the development of healthcare in the Moscow Region and in connection with the 100th anniversary. 2018

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13. The editorial board after awarding the journal “Forensic Medical Examination” with the Order “For Service to Russia”, II degree. 2008

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14. On the day of the state final certification of residents of the Department of Forensic Medicine of FUV MONIKI (first row, from left to right): N.A. Romanko, E.Kh. Barinov, V.A. Klevno, O.V. Lysenko; (second row): A.V. Pletenkina, E.V. Zhezhel, D.A. Maltseva, E.A. Demidova, A.V. Pligin, E.A. Dmitrieva, M.A. Trofimova, T.R. Nabiev, S.E. Dubrova. 2021

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15. The signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding between the State Budgetary Institution of Healthcare of the Moscow Region MONIKI named after. M. F. Vladimirsky and the International Committee of the Red Cross in the Russian Federation, Belarus and Moldova. 2021

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16. International scientific and training complex “Current problems of modern forensic medicine and medical law” with the participation of specialists from the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. Samarkand, Republic of Uzbekistan, 2023

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17. Brainov_16

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