On the issue of terminology in forensic medicine and its compliance with the applicable GOST standards of scissors





Background: The terminology used in the production of forensic medical examinations should be interpreted unambiguously by forensic medical experts, employees of investigative bodies, and doctors of other specialties and be the basis for their mutual understanding. The examination of clothing and shoes, as well as their damage, is an important part of the expert’s work. However, in the presence of forensic and forensic literature on this issue, currently increasing lack of educational and methodological publications covering modern terminological definitions is observed. During the production of forensic medical examinations of material evidence, the expert often comes across trace-forming objects (or parts of them), which is found difficult to name or describe without prejudice to an unambiguous interpretation. Attention is drawn to the fact that names of the scissors’ areas are ignored in the practice of forensic medicine. Even with the well-established concept of “scissors branch” in expert practice, different points of view are made. Aims: This study aimed to identify terminology that defines standards that ensure mutual understanding between specialists in different fields and consolidate unambiguous terms and definitions at the level of knowledge and concepts of modern science. As a result of the conducted research, authors come to the conclusion that in order to reduce the risk of different understanding of terms (including nonmedical ones), it is necessary to refer to the State Standards of the Russian Federation (GOST). As an example, this article presents the terms of the current State Standard 51268-9, wherein the main trace-forming elements of scissors are not branches but knives, and the concept of “branches” does not contain this GOST. Conclusion: Standardization and bringing forensic medical terms to the corresponding GOST standards in the production of forensic medical examinations will not only increase their quality and informativeness for investigative authorities, but also eliminate discrepancies in terminology between law enforcement officers, forensic medical experts, and doctors of other specialties.


Natalia Nazarova

Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination; North-Western State Medical University named aft er I.I. Mechnikov

Email: na532z@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2020-0291
SPIN 代码: 6821-6095
俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

Yuriy Nazarov

Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination; North-Western State Medical University named aft er I.I. Mechnikov

Email: naz532@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4629-4521
SPIN 代码: 2390-8227
Scopus 作者 ID: 57137901000

Dr. Sci. (Med.)

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg


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