



Evaluation (including within the framework of medico-legal examination) of the quality and efectiveness of endodontic dental treatment is a matter of current interest in the clinical dentistry.

Obiectives. Te aim of the work was to develop an algorithm of medico-legal examination in case of endodontic treatment, to test this algorithm in the work of the commissions of medical care quality control in the departments of therapeutic dentistry of outpatient dental clinics.

Material and methods.Te material of the study was the reports of daily activities of dental clinics of various forms of ownership (municipal, departmental, private) in 3 regions of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don), including periodic reports and reference reports, ofcial statistical reports of the activities of the examined clinics, including registration books of the work of the commissions of the quality of medical care. Tese materials were used as a source of primary statistical information. Afer grouping of the information contained in them, the main data characterizing organization, condition and quality of endodontic care were recovered taking into account nosological entities: pulpitis and periodontitis. Taking into account the medical, statistical and analytical nature of the study, the main conclusions and recommendations were formulated on the basis of a retrospective study of these materials.

Results. Based on the studies carried out and recommendations of the European Endodontic Association on provision of the standard of endodontic treatment, an algorithm for medico-legal examination of endodontic treatment was proposed. Tis algorithm allows to assess the quality and efectiveness of endodontic treatment of pulpitis and periodontitis in diferent terms (immediately afer treatment, remote period)

Conclusion. Te use of the developed algorithm in clinical practice in internal quality control of endodontic care has shown its efectiveness. A large number of clinical cases of insufcient quality of endodontic treatment and its low efectiveness in the remote period indicate persistence of the potential for claims from patients.



A. Iordanishvili

I. I. Mechnikov North-West State Medical University, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation; S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy


Andrei K. Iordanishvili, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Prof., I. I. Mechnikov North-West State Medical University, S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy


E. Barinov

A. I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4236-4219

Evgenii Kh. Barinov, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Prof., A. I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry


I. Salmanov

1602 Military Clinical Hospital, Ministry of Defence

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2658-5612

Ilgar B. Salmanov, Сand. Sci. (Med.), head of the dental ofce of the surgical department of the medical unit (special purpose) of 1602 Military Clinical Hospital, Ministry of Defence 



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