Some Sodicological Remarks on the Sorpus of the Berlin Turfan Manichaean Sogdian Manuscripts in Manichaean Script: among Books, Glossaries, Letters, Booklets, Bilingual and Trilingual Texts, Normal, Bold and Cursive Script




The paper gives a survey of the codicological variety of the Sogdian manuscripts in Manichaean script of the Berlin Turfan Collection. Book formats, paper/silk/leather type, re-used paper, scripts and plurilingualism will be examined and commented upon.


Enrico Morano

International Association of Manichaean Studies



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  14. MORANO, Enrico 2013: “Una pagina da un libro sogdiano manicheo di storielle, parabole e aforismi”. In Ἀλεξάνδρεια 6-7 - 2012-2013: ΦΙΛΟΙΝ, Scritti in onore di Mario Enrietti e Renato Gendre. Ed. by Mario Capaldo and Patrizia Lendinara and Mario Negri. Alessandria, 327-334
  15. MORANO, Enrico 2017a: “The Jackal and the Elephant: a Manichaean Sogdian Tale in Manichaean Script. With an Appendix with Corrections to Previously Edited Fragments of Tales”. In Studia Philologica Iranica. Gherardo Gnoli Memorial Volume. Ed. by Enrico Morano and Elio Provasi and Adriano V. Rossi. Serie Orientale Roma. Nuova Serie, Vol. 5, 293-298 + 3 plates
  16. MORANO, Enrico 2017b: “Manichaean Sogdian Poems”. In Manichaeism East and West. Ed. by Samuel N.C. Lieu and Erica C.D. Hunter and Enrico Morano and Nils A. Pedersen. Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum. Analecta Manichaica 1. Turnhout, 171-184 (6 plates)
  17. MORANO, Enrico 2017c: “An Antiphonal Body and Soul Hymn in Manichaean Middle Persian, Parthian and Sogdian”. In Zur lichten Heimat Studien zu Manichäismus, Iranistik und Zentralasienkunde im Gedenken an Werner Sundermann. Ed. by the team “Turfanforschung”. Iranica 25. Wiesbaden, 445-452
  18. MORANO, Enrico forthcoming: “Uygur in the Manichaean Sogdian Texts in Manichaean Script from the Berlin Turfan Collection”. Proceedings of the Symposium of SogdianTurkic Relations, November 21st-23rd 2014, İstanbul
  19. MORANO, Enrico forthcoming 2: “A miserable scrap”. To be published in an Italian Festschrift
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