
Schilling von Canstadt and His Correspondence with Julius Klaproth in the IOM
Walravens H.
Letters by J.P.A. Rémusat to Schilling von Canstadt (1817–1829) in the Orientalists Archives of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences
Walravens H.
The Development of Sibe Ethnic Awareness: With Special Consideration of the Sibe People of the Ili River Basin
Zhuangsheng C.
The Place of Shen-nong in the System of Legendary History of the Apocryphal Text Chunqiu Minglixu
Terekhov A.
The First Tibetan Leaves Acquired by the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences: Conservation Issues, Contents and Paper Analysis
Helman-Ważny A., Kriakina L., Zorin A.
From the “Hundred Books on the Skills of Medicine” to “The Canon of Medicine”
Akel Y.
The Heritage of N.F. Katanov and the Prospects of its Study: Diaries and materials of his Travel to Siberia and Xinjiang (1889–1892) (Tuva–Khakassia–East Turkestan)
Valeev R., Rahimova Y., Valeeva R., Kurochkin R., Tuguzhekova V.
Japanese Didactic Gunsho Commentaries in the Edo Period: a Study of the 17th c. Commentary on the Heike Monogatari
Lushchenko A.
Who Conquered Spain? The Role of the Berbers in the Conquest of the Iberian Peninsula
Stepanova A.
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