Japanese Didactic Gunsho Commentaries in the Edo Period: a Study of the 17th c. Commentary on the Heike Monogatari



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The Heike monogatari hyōban hidenshō is an anonymous 17th c. commentary on the medieval Heike monogatari. As a military studies text (gunsho) written for Edo-period warriors, the commentary differs substantially from the Heike monogatari in content and purpose. It consists of didactic essays that critically evaluate passages from the Heike monogatari and also includes fictional stories that expand and reinterpret the content of the Heike monogatari. The commentary’s content focuses on topics of governance, strategy, and ethics. In the 17th c., such gunsho commentaries functioned as educational texts with advice and admonition addressed to daimyo lords and warriors in general. As a didactic military studies text, the Heike monogatari hyōban hidenshō reveals a new facet of reception of the Heike monogatari in the Edo period.

Об авторах

Alexey Lushchenko

Department of Asian and African Studies, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Автор, ответственный за переписку.
Email: alushchenko@hse.ru

Список литературы

  1. Heike monogatari hyōban hidenshō 1650: 平家物語評判秘伝抄 [Commentary with Evaluations and Secret Transmissions about the Tale of the Heike]. 1650. Volumes 1–24. National Archives of Japan, https://www.digital.archives.go.jp/das/meta/F1000000000000042995.
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© Lushchenko A.Y., 2021

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