Two Mongolian Official Documents Dated by the 19th c.



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The article presents transliteration and commented translation of two official letters written by Mongolian administrative functionaries in the first third of the 19th c. Both were brought from Mongolia by A.M. Pozdneev. In 1898, handwritten copies were published by G.Dz. Tsibikov in the collection of materials, as a training manual for practical course in Mongolian language. The above mentioned letters still have not been subjected to any kind of scientific analysis. However, these documents represent typical examples of Mongolian official correspondence dated to the 19th c. Moreover they are abandoned of little-known facts about relationship between the authorities of the North Mongolian banners (khoshuns) and administrative structures, constituted personal subjects assigned to the Treasury of Jibzundamba Khutugtu (the Shabi).

Об авторах

Anton Popov

St. Petersburg State University

Автор, ответственный за переписку.

Список литературы

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© Popov A., 2020

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