Tibetan Texts from Khara-Khoto on Acala and Jvālāmukhī Preserved at the IOM, RAS

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The paper deals with two Tibetan manuscripts from Khara-Khoto that contain instructions on a variety of Tantric rites connected with the wrathful deity Acala treated here as Bhagavān, i.e. an Enlightened one, and the demoness Jvālāmukhī (Kha ’bar ma). Summarized contents of all the fragments are introduced in the paper. Both manuscripts mention the 11th c. Indian guru Vajrāsana whose Tibetan disciple Bari Lotsāwa is said to have brought his instruction on the Jvālāmukhī torma offering to Tibet. Another line of transmission of this practice goes back to Atiśa. The practice was certainly shaped by the first half of the 12th c. but the Indian authenticity of the demoness who gave it her name seems to be somewhat dubious.

About the authors

Alexander V. Zorin

Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Email: kawi@yandex.ru
SPIN-code: 3573-8876
Russian Federation


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. XT-19/XT-173: f. 10 recto — the description of the nine-deity Acala maṇḍala

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3. XT-72: f. 7 verso — the story of how Bari Lotsāwa obtained the instructions from Vajrāsena

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4. XT-72: f. 10 verso, illuminations to the rites described in the manuscript

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