Miscellanea in the Brāhmī Script from the Berezovsky and Krotkov Collections (IOM, RAS) with an Appendix: ВФ-4190

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The main part of this article provides a complete edition (description, transliteration, transcription, preliminary translation, annotation as well as the reproduction of the photographs) of forty-two fragments in different languages, circulated along the northern Silk Road, today in the territory of modern Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region (PR China) in pre-Mongolian times: Sanskrit, Tocharian A/B, Old Uyghur [hereafter: Uyghur]. Their common feature is the use of the standard North Turkestan Brāhmī and its Tocharian and Uyghur varieties. In terms of content, the fragments include extracts from Buddhist texts such as Abhidharmadīpavibhāṣaprabhāvr̥tti, Prajñāpāramitā, Prasādapratibhodbhava, Prātimokṣasūtra, Pravāraṇasūtra, Saṃyuktāgama, Suvarṇabhāsottamasūtra, Udānavarga. There are also some Tocharian B document fragments. Several of these texts are found on the back of Chinese scrolls. The Chinese texts have been identified. Where possible, a reconstruction of the relevant section of the scroll has been added. An introduction provides general background information. The lexis of the edited manuscripts is given in concordances.

About the authors

Olga V. Lundysheva

Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS

Email: olgavecholga@gmail.com

junior researcher of the Laboratoria Serindica

Russian Federation, 191186, Saint Petersburg, Dvortsovaya nab., 18.

Dieter Maue

Email: dmaue@t-online.de

Dr. phil., independent scholar

Klaus Wille

Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Author for correspondence.
Email: k.wille@t-online.de

Dr. phil., retired, formerly research fellow

Germany, 37073 Göttingen, Theaterstraße


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