

是否已经在Journal of Dynamics and Vibroacoustics里有了一个帐户?





Paper’s formatting rules

1. The paper should be submitted in the electronic format via the journal’s site www.dynvibro.ru. File name is a surname of the first author, for example, Smith.doc.

Along with article you also attach:

  • organization referral (if the authors are not employees of SSAU) on company’s letterhead, stamped and signed by its head or deputy on scientific work;
  • the electronic copy and a paper original of the publication possibility expert report of the lead author's organization;
  • specialist’s review about article’s scientific direction (the specialist should not be an employee of the author’s department);
  • contact information: name, surname, patronymic (in full) of each author; Email address and telephone number (not published in the journal).

If the article has several authors, you should sent a first page scan the with the signatures of all authors.

2. The articles are submitted in English in Microsoft Word format (*.doc,*.docx) and should meet the following requirements.

Page settings:

  • page format - A4;
  • orientation - portrait;
  • mirror margins. Margins: top - 25 mm, bottom - 30 mm., Inside - 23 mm. Outside - 17 mm. The header and footer - 15 mm. Do not differentiate the headers and footers of odd and even pages;
  • the volume of articles - from 2 to 10 A4 pages.

The information about each author, name of article, abstract and keywords should be given in the beginning of the article:

Full name


Organization name – the place where the author works.

Organization postal address.

Lead author Email address.




Key words.


Article’s titles in English should not have any transliteration from Russian with the exception of untranslatable titles of proper names, devices and other objects having their own names; you should not also use untranslatable slang known only by the Russian-speaking specialists. The abstract should be written in good English.

The information about the authors is  typed in one column with unit interval and normal font (excepting authors’ full names which are highlighted in bold) Times New Roman, point size – 10 points, formatting – on the right margin, indentation – 0 mm. In case all the authors work or study in one establishment there is no need to state each author’s place of work separately. The names of universities and organizations can be stated in abbreviated form (for example, without writing FSBEE HPE, etc.). The adopted transliteration system is given in Appendix 6.

The example of writing a postal address in English: 34, Moskovskoe shosse, Samara, 443086, Russian Federation.


The title of the article is typed in capital letters in one column using Times New Roman Bold font and unit interval, point size – 12 points, formatting – on the right margin, indentation – 0 mm. Do not put dot at the end of the title.

Title requirements:

  • scientific articles’ titles should be informative;
  • only standard abbreviations can be used in the articles’ titles.

It is better not to use formulas, references, Greek letters and abbreviations in abstracts. The abstract is typed in italics with unit interval. Point size – 10 points

The abstract should be:

  • informative (do not use general words). The abstract should state the essential facts of the work, and should not exaggerate your work or contain material that is not in the main part of the publication;
  • novel. The information in the title, should not repeat in the text of the abstract. In the text of the abstract it is better to use syntax and language that are typical for scientific and technical documents, try to avoid complex grammatical constructions. The text should be coherent, scattered positions should flow logically one from another;
  • sapid (should reflect the main content of articles and research results);
  • structured (follow the logic of the results description in the article) The abstract’s structure, that repeats the article’s structure and includes an introduction, aims and objectives, methods, results, conclusion (derivation) would be an asset. However the subject, theme and the purpose of the work are stated if they are not clear from the title of the article; it is better to describe method or methodology of work in the case if they are new or interesting from the work standpoint;
  • compact (contains from 100 to 250 words). The text of the author’s summary should be simple and  concise, free of background information, extra introductory words general and insignificant wording.

The key words are typed in italics with unit interval and a single indentation from the abstract’s text. Point size – 10 points

The key words or phrases are separated by semicolons (no more than 10).

A brief scientific and biographical reference (the information about each author in Russian and English) that contains (in the stated sequence): surname, name, patronymic (in full), academic degree, academic rank, post, email, research interests (up to 15 words).

The text of the article should meet the following requirements:

  • section titles - are typed using Times New Roman Bold (Cyr) font, size - 12, formatting - on the left     margin of each column, indentation - 0 mm. Do not put dot at the end of the title;
  • the main part text is typed in two columns of equal width (82 mm), using a single indentation from the title of the section, the interval between the columns is 6 mm (dot is included), style - "Normal": Times New Roman (Cyr) font, size (point) - 12 points, indention - 5 mm, unit interval, formatting – breadthways;
  • it is recommended to divide text into subsections. The subsections "Introduction" and "Conclusion" are mandatory;
  • hyphenation – enabled.


The tables should be typed according to the following requirements:

table title is above the table, formatting – on the left margin, regular font, point - 10 pt, indentation - 5 mm, the title begins with the word "Table". If there is more than one table, they should be numbered in order of appearance in the text, the table numbering is continuous throughout the paper. Do not put dot at the end of the table’s title.

The tables’ titles are mandatory.


The figures (images) are made according to the following requirements:

  • it is necessary to monitor carefully the exact names matching in the text and in the figures;
  • the figures are inserted into the text after the paragraph where they were mentioned for the first time;
  • the labels which clutter the pictures should be replaced with numerals or letters, which should be added to the captions under the pictures;
  • the size of the figure: width - up to 82 mm or page breadthways (up to 17 cm) if the image is small and unreadable;
  • the figures made by means of MS Office are not valid;
  • raster (grayscale) image - formats TIF, PNG or GIF are used for black and white and gray images, JPG - for full color photographic images. The resolution is 300 dpi. If there is some text in images or sharp boundaries between the colors it is better to use TIF or PNG formats;
  • the vector graphics (charts, diagrams, graphs) are made in one of the following programs: CorelDraw versions 11-13 (file format CDR), Adobe Illustrator versions 11-12 (AI) or Inkscape (SVG) - and are exported to Windows Metafile (WMF) or Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) formats.Along with the article it is necessary to attach *.wmf and *.eps files and corresponding with them initial *.cdr, *.ai, *.svg files. The lines thickness shold be not less than 0.2 mm. The illustrations (charts, graphs) from mathematical and simulation programs should be provided in 2 formats: vector (CDR, AI, WMF, EPS, SVG, EMF formats) and a copy in bitmap (TIF, BMP, PNG), excepting JPG format. Files in vector format are mandatory. Vector format files containing inserted raster charts and graphs, including scanned or traced, are not accepted;
  • all figures should be attached as separate files associated with a document ("linked"), and should not be included in the text. Figures "linking" is done in MS Word via the menu: "insert» → «drawing» → «From File ..." and in the "Add a picture" for the selected image select " Link to file " in the dropdown menu "insert" / "associated with the file" / "insert and link". Path to the image file should be relative, it should show the path to the image file from the document that linked with the image. Image files should have titles corresponding to the author’s surname and the figure number in the article (eg, Smith_09.tif, Smith _ 22b.jpg or Smith _22g.jpg). 

The figure captions should meet the following requirements:

  • the captions should be typed under the figures in Times New Roman (Cyr) font, size – 10 pt, formatting - in the center of each column, indentation before and after paragraphs – 0 mm. Put the dot after the number, and do not put it at the end of the caption;
  • the captions under the figures are mandatory;
  • figure caption starts with the word "Figure" and index number;
  • if there are several figures, which have one common caption, these figures are marked with letters a), b), c), etc.;
  • the references to the figures are typed in full in the article’s text: figure 2a; figure 3a and b; figure 8a, b; figure 9a-d;
  • the captions under the figures should include a brief description and explanation of the symbols and signs used in the figure.

Formulas are executed according to the following requirements:

  • formulas are typed in the formula editor Microsoft Equation (up to version 3.0) or in  MathType program. Formatting - left-alignment;
  • it is not allowed to write formulas in MS Equation 2007/2010/2013!
  • all special symbols in the text must be performed in a mathematical editor. Do not use Microsoft Word text symbols in writting mathematical expressions and formulas;
  • Latin letters are typed in italic using Times New Roman font with the12 pt size, greek letters are typed using Symbol font with the12 pt size. Left Indent - 5 mm, left-aligned;
  • intervals before and after the formula are 2 points;
  • lowercase formulas numbering is sequentially in parentheses: (1) (2) (3);
  • numbering of the formulas is provided in the order of appearance the article text. Should be numbered only formulas that are referenced in the text;
  • formulas should be typed on a new line;
  • if you cannot place a formula using specified sizes it is allowed to  type formulas in the entire width of the sheet - up to 17 cm (including the numbering of formulas), indents - the same, on the typed formula set the mode "one column";
  • for mathematical notation is recommended to use the most simple symbols and indexes;
  • any kind of indexes and, especially, over the letters sub indexes: tildes, dashes, arrows, etc. should be avoided, a trait for complex conjugate variables is retained. For the averaged values of the mathematical expectations and variances angle brackets are recommended <>.

Bibliography is executed according to the following requirements:

  • References list is provided in separate lists numbered in order of citation. References in the text are shown in brackets and separated by commas or dashes: [1, 2], [3-5];
  • text is typed using Times New Roman (Cyr) font, size - 10 points, indention - 5 mm, formatting - full justification, numbered;
  • Harvard style of references should be used;
  • if there are several authors then it is necessary to specify all authors in a bibliographic reference;
  • titles of the periodicals (journals) are fully given without abbreviations;
  • it is allowed to include the list of references that is accepted (deposited) for publication  in specific publications with indicating the period of the publication;
  • it is not allowed to include unpublished (not accepted for publication) materials in the Bibliographical list.

Articles that do not meet the above requirements won’t be accepted. Manuscript and supporting documents will not be returned. Date of receipt of a manuscript is considered to be the day of receiving final text.




  • The text of the article should meet the following requirements:

    • section titles - are typed using Times New Roman Bold (Cyr) font, size - 12, formatting - on the left     margin of each column, indentation - 0 mm. Do not put dot at the end of the title;

    • the main part text is typed in two columns of equal width (82 mm), using a single indentation from the title of the section, the interval between the columns is 6 mm (dot is included), style - "Normal": Times New Roman (Cyr) font, size (point) - 12 points, indention - 5 mm, unit interval, formatting – breadthways;

    • it is recommended to divide text into subsections. The subsections "Introduction" and "Conclusion" are mandatory;

    • hyphenation – enabled.



Авторы, публикующие статьи в данном журнале, соглашаются на следующее:

  1. Авторы сохраняют за собой авторские права и предоставляют журналу право первой публикации работы, которая по истечении 6 месяцев после публикации автоматически лицензируется на условиях Creative Commons Attribution License , которая позволяет другим распространять данную работу с обязательным сохранением ссылок на авторов оригинальной работы и оригинальную публикацию в этом журнале.

Авторы имеют право размещать их работу в сети Интернет (например в институтском хранилище или персональном сайте) до и во время процесса рассмотрения ее данным журналом, так как это может привести к продуктивному обсуждению и большему количеству ссылок на данную работу (См. The Effect of Open Access).




Имена и адреса электронной почты, введенные на сайте этого журнала, будут использованы исключительно для целей, обозначенных этим журналом, и не будут использованы для каких-либо других целей или предоставлены другим лицам и организациям.

Журнал «Динамика и виброакустика» является журналом открытого доступа исходя из поставленных целей журнала. Все статьи свободны для просмотра, чтения, скачивания и печати. Мы используем лицензию Creative Commons CC BY. Эта лицензия позволяет другим распространять, редактировать, поправлять и брать за основу вашу работу, даже для коммерческих целей, но с условием указания  вашего авторства.
