


The aim of the study is to identify 1-[2-(2-benzoylphenoxy) ethyl]-6-methyluracil using various methods of analysis, as well as to study its action mechanism against wild-type and mutant forms of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (RT).Materials and methods. To characterize the structure of the test substance, a few kinds of analysis (X-ray diffraction, elemental, thermal) as well as a few kinds of spectroscopy (UV, IR, and NMR) have been used. The study of the action mechanism of the compound as a potential drug was carried out by evaluating the inhibitory activity against HIV-1 RT wild-type and its mutant forms corresponding to drug-resistant viral strains.Results. The studies have been carried out to confirm the structure of 1-[2-(2-benzoylphenoxy)ethyl]-6-methyluracil. The UV spectrum has a pronounced absorption maximum when measuring a solution of the substance in tetrahydrofuran at the concentration of 0.10 mg / ml. In the IR spectrum, there are specific bands in the range of 4000-370 cm-1. These factors make it possible to use UV and IR spectra to identify the test compound in the substance. It has also been established that the number and mutual arrangement of functional groups, the integrated intensity of signals in the 1H-NMR spectrum, as well as the structure of the carbon skeleton, correspond to the structure of 1-[2-(2-benzoylphenoxy) ethyl]-6-methyluracil. The results of studying the action mechanism showed that the test compound is an effective inhibitor of wild-type HIV-1 RT with an inhibition constant of 0.2 µM, as well as an enzyme inhibitor (mutation G190A) with an inhibition constant of 8 µM; enzyme (mutation Y181C) with an inhibition constant of 10 µM, as well as a reverse transcriptase (RT) inhibitor (mutation L100I, K103N, V106A) and a double mutant K103N / Y181C with an inhibition constant of more than 20 µM.Conclusion. As a result of the performed X-ray structural, elemental, 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR analyzes, the structure of 1-[2-(2-benzoylphenoxy)ethyl]-6-methyluracil has been confirmed. The possibility of using UV, IR and NMR spectroscopy, as well as thermal analyzes to confirm the authenticity during the verification of 1-[2-(2-benzoylphenoxy)ethyl]-6-methyluracil, has been shown. The developed methods can be used in the quality control and included in the draft of practice guidelines for the investigated substance. The studies of the action mechanism of the compound of HIV-1 RT reverse transcriptase have shown that this compound belongs to the group of non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) of HIV-1.


E. Jain

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

Bldg. 1, 27, Lomonosov Ave., Moscow, Russia, 119991

D. Demchenko

St. Petersburg Institute of Pharmacy

Bldg. 245, 3, Zavodskaya St., Vil. Kuzmolovsky, Vsevolozhsky district, Leningrad region, Russia, 188663

A. Ozerov

Volgograd State Medical University

1, Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., Volgograd, Russia, 400131

M. Makarova

St. Petersburg Institute of Pharmacy

Bldg. 245, 3, Zavodskaya St., Vil. Kuzmolovsky, Vsevolozhsky district, Leningrad region, Russia, 188663

V. Makarov

St. Petersburg Institute of Pharmacy

Bldg. 245, 3, Zavodskaya St., Vil. Kuzmolovsky, Vsevolozhsky district, Leningrad region, Russia, 188663

V. Balabanyan

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

Bldg. 1, 27, Lomonosov Ave., Moscow, Russia, 119991


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版权所有 © Jain E.A., Demchenko D.V., Ozerov A.A., Makarova M.N., Makarov V.G., Balabanyan V.Y., 2021

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