


The aim of the article is to evaluate Bischofit gel reparative activity in a linear wound model in rats.Materials and Methods. The study was conducted on 36 male Wistar rats weighing from 193 to 218 grams. On the 8th day after modeling a linear wound defect 50±1 mm long, the reparative effect of bischofite, Actovegin and Contractubex in the gel compositions was evaluated. The evaluation was carried out using: the following methods: 1) studying the physicomechanical characteristics of the wound defect (a wound-tearing machine Metrotest REM-0.2-1); 2) morphological examination of the skin graft taken from the wound area (stained with hematoxylin-eosin and Van Gieson‘s solution); 3) determining the ratio of collagen types I and III in a polarizing microscope (the picrosirius was red); 4) cоlorimetric analysis of the hydroxyproline concentration in the wound surface tissues.Results. On the 8th day, the wound defects sampled from the bischofite treated animals, were characterized by the most pronounced strength (the average force at the rupture moment was 13.70 N), which was significantly higher (p<0.01) than in the control group (11.76 N). Actovegin showed less influence on this parameter (12.60 N), and the use of Contractubex led to its decrease (8.10 N). The effect of the drugs on the morphological state of the skin tissue was similar. The hydroxyproline concentration in the studied groups’ samples was: Bischofit 13.23±1.68; Actovegin 15.89±1.37; Contractubex 17.61 ± 0.67; the Control was 16.59±1.08. According to the impact on the ratio of collagen in types I and III, the studied drugs were arranged in the following sequence: Bishofit (0.73±0.023) > Actovegin (0.67±0.017) > Control (0.56±0.012) > Contractubex (0.38 ±0.020).Conclusion. The carried out study showed that Bischofit has a pronounced ability to stimulate the regeneration of the skin wound defect. Hereby, the reference drug Actovegin showed less activity, and Contractubex worsened wound healing.


Yu. Stepenko

Belgorod State National Research University


V. Soldatov

Belgorod State National Research University


M. Zatolokina

Kursk State Medical University


A. Mayorova

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


B. Sysuev

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


A. Demidenko

Belgorod State National Research University


E. Ivahno

Belgorod State National Research University


M. Sarycheva

Belgorod State National Research University


M. Pokrovskiy

Belgorod State National Research University



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版权所有 © Stepenko Y.V., Soldatov V.O., Zatolokina M.A., Mayorova A.V., Sysuev B.B., Demidenko A.N., Ivahno E.N., Sarycheva M.V., Pokrovskiy M.V., 2019

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