


Management decisions, both at the enterprise level and at the industry level as a whole, is impossible without carrying out a strategic analysis, which is regarded as the performance of a corresponding management function that is perspective-oriented and has a high level of uncertainty. Strategic analysis involves researching the system of factors that determine the future state of the public-private partnership (PPP) in the development of health care. The strategic analysis of PPP in the healthcare sector as a complex study of positive and negative factors that may affect the efficiency of the development of the PPP institution in the development of the healthcare is under consideration in the article. A number of new components complementing the system of strategic analysis of PPPs in the healthcare were proposed, and generalizations and conclusions were made.The aim of the research is to study the impact of the strategic analysis of PPPs in the sphere of healthcare on the formation of strategic directions for increasing the efficiency of using the PPP institution in healthcare.Materials and methods. In the process of achieving the research goal, methods of strategic and integrated economic analysis were used.Results and discussion. In our strategic analysis of PPP in the healthcare, it was revealed that under the conditions of underfunding national economy, medical institutions based on PPPs are being established in order to modernize and improve the quality of public services. PPP is an effective mechanism for attracting long-term investments aimed at the development of the health sector. The results of our analysis of PPP in the sphere of Russian healthcare made it possible to reveal that at present there are more than 70 projects in the process of implementation, 61 projects are already under construction and operation. Within the framework of the PPP-implemented healthcare projects, it is planned to attract investments of 61 billion rubles, while the total amount of private investments in PPP projects reaches 57 billion rubles. This is the basis for the systematic use of PPP tools for modernizing the healthcare sector and improving the accessibility and quality of medical services.Conclusion. The advantages of the application of the PPP strategic analysis in the sphere of healthcare is the increased effectiveness of interaction between the state and private business as a special type of cooperation with a view to implementing long-term investment projects in the sphere of healthcare. One of the main functions of the PPP strategic analysis in the sphere of healthcare is working out measures to create conditions for the implementation of PPPs in the sphere of healthcare both at the federal and regional levels.


V. Adzhienko

Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute – branch of Volgograd State Medical University


N. Kosinova

Volgograd State Medical University



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