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The aim of the study is to study the regional hypolipidemic drugs market, external and internal factors affecting their level of consumption, including the information awareness of the final customers about this pharmacotherapeutic group and the adherence to treatment with these drugs.

Materials and methods. The study was carried out using the methods of SWOT and STEP-analyses to assess the factors affecting the consumption of the studied group of drugs, as well as the questionnaire method of final customers and assessing their compliance using the Morisky-Green questionnaire.

Results. The influence of environmental and internal factors on the level and structure of the consumption of hypolipidemic drugs has been studied, hereby, the problems of the group and ways to solve them have been outlined, and an increase or decrease in the need for hypolipidemic drugs at the regional level, have been predicted. The assessment of the information awareness and preferences of the final customers of hypolipidemic drugs has been carried out, and insufficient awareness of patients about the drugs under study, has been revealed. The compliance of the final customers has been studied. A low level of the compliance of the patients to the prescribed hypolipidemic therapy has been established.

Conclusion. Modern advances in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, based on fundamental achievements of science and practice, have created a high evidence base for the choice of strategies for pharmacotherapy with hypolipidemic drugs. The main ways to increase information awareness and compliance of the final customers are: development and intensification of educational programs to increase the level of knowledge and information awareness of doctors and pharmaceutical professionals, establishing the Doctor-Patient partnering relationships, increasing the trust level to the doctor and, as a result, the level of the patient compliance уровень; the development of materials for increasing the information awareness among the final customers about hypolipidemic drugs and hypolipidemic therapy in general.

About the authors

Ivan N. Tyurenkov

Volgograd State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7574-3923

Doctor of Sciences (Medicine), Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Volgograd State Medical University, Head of the Laboratory of Pharmacology of Cardiovascular Means (Scientific Center of Innovative Medicine Remedies), Head of the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy (Institute of continuous – flow medical and pharmaceutical education).

Russian Federation, Volgograd

Julia S. Knyazeva

Volgograd State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9571-2793

Candidate of Sciences (Pharmacy), Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Intensive Care, Volgograd State Medical University.

Russian Federation, Volgograd

Lyudmila M. Ganicheva

Volgograd State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5647-0568

Doctor of Sciences (Pharmacy), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Management and Economics of Pharmacy, Medical and Pharmaceutical Commodity Merchandising, Volgograd State Medical University.

Russian Federation, Volgograd

Nelli Sh. Kaysheva

Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute – branch of Volgograd State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Sciences (Pharmacy), Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute – branch of Volgograd State Medical University.

Russian Federation, Pyatigorsk


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Copyright (c) 2020 Tyurenkov I.N., Knyazeva Y.S., Ganicheva L.M., Kaysheva N.S.

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