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The aim of this article is to  systematize the known data based on facts relating to the formation of the global pharmacovigilance system, and its further use for the periodization  development of the selected social institution.Materials and methods. The development of the periodization of the historical development of the world pharmacovigilance system was carried out using the systematic, epistemological, historical descriptive methods, as well as using the method of generalization.Results. The results of the study made it possible to identify a number of stages in the global development and institutionalization of pharmacovigilance.Conclusion. The carried out research confirmed that the aggregate approach applied to the global genesis of the world pharmacovigilance system is an effective scientific and methodological technique that contributes to the development of a new level of application and systematization of knowledge about pharmacovigilance as a complex institution, conglomerating in-house science and practical interstate activity.

About the authors

A. Е. Krasheninnikov

National Pharmacovigilance Research Center



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