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Both bee products themselves and their combinations are widely represented in the domestic pharmaceutical market, however, modern experimental studies of the biological activity of these compounds are few, and in many of the existing publications the authors describe an extremely wide and controversial range of therapeutic effects. The aim of the study is to analyze the experimental works on the study of biological activity of bee products. Materials and methods. The study was conducted using search and information (eLibrary, PubMed, CyberLeninka, ResearchGate) and library databases (Russian State Library, Central Scientific Agricultural Library). In the designated databases, publications were searched by such terms as “biological activity”, “royal jelly”, etc. The depth of the search was not limited. Results and discussion. The analysis of the published works shows that such substances as bee venom and royal jelly have experimentally confirmed their biological activity. In both cases, the active substances have been described and a review of their detected biological activity has been carried out. Conclusion. The authors suggest that when developing the method of laboratory synthesis of decene acids, it can be possible to carry out their large-scale preclinical research, which may become the basis for the creation of a drug with a selective effect.

About the authors

S. G. Mardanly

State University of Humanities and Technology; CJSC “Ecolab”


V. V. Pomazanov

State University of Humanities and Technology; CJSC “Ecolab”


V. A. Kiseleva

State University of Humanities and Technology


Ya. B. Neskorodov

CJSC “Ecolab”



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Copyright (c) 2018 Mardanly S.G., Pomazanov V.V., Kiseleva V.A., Neskorodov Y.B.

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