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Pharmacy organizations are an element of regional pharmaceutical market infrastructure formation. They have different character and activity type, organizational and legal forms, types of properties. The revelation of the fea- tures of retail pharmaceutical market of Yaro- slavl oblast was the purpose of the study. The analysis of the data of regional department of Federal Service on Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development of Russian Federa- tion in Yaroslavl oblast in the beginning of 2014 showed that there are 137 acting com- mercial entities, which have licenses for pharmaceutical activity. The region has 487pharmacy organizations which implement pharmaceutical activity of state (14.6%), mu- nicipal (7.4%), and private (78.0%) forms of ownership. Some companies function in Yaro- slavl (43.9%) and Rybinsk (22.4%) municipal district. The analysis of organization and legal forms revealed that 48.9% of pharmacy organ- izations are registered as ltd, 14.6% are state, and 14.2% are private entrepreneurs, public limited companies amount to 10.9%, the rest pharmacy organizations are included into mu- nicipal unitary enterprises and private limited companies - 7.39% and 4.1% corresponding- ly. The structure of retail market is represented by single pharmacy organizations (51.1%) as well as organizations joined into pharmacychains from two and more PO (48.9%). The share of commercial entities which include one PO amounted to 14.4% of all PO. Share of pharmacy chains (42.3%) which include from2 to 9 PO are 46.8% of all PO. Pharmacy chains, which have more than 9 retails spots amount to 6.6% of the total number of com- mercial entities. 38.8% of PO function within them. Pharmacy chains prevalence (42.3%), joined into 9 PO; pharmacy chains, which have more than 9 PO, and include state sector PO (14.6%) are the features of the regional market.

About the authors

O. V Sokolova

Yaroslavl State Medical University


L. I Lavrentyeva

Yaroslavl State Medical University


K. S Alekseyeva

Yaroslavl State Medical University



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Copyright (c) 2015 Sokolova O.V., Lavrentyeva L.I., Alekseyeva K.S.

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