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The most important index which determines the level and quality of pharmaceutical support is the correspondence of assortment to consumers needs. Assortment policy is determined by the functions implemented, and the problems of organization of pharmaceutical support of medicinal organizations within the frameworks of substantiated and reasonable expenditure of budget funds, and affordable pharmaceutical support of the population. The purpose of this research was the study of assortment and price policy of state pharmacies of Moscow. The objects were pharmacy subdivisions of state pharmacy network of Moscow. We have used sociological methods (questionnaire, interviewing), method of marketing, and statistic analysis. We have studied the assortment structure, assortment groups’ distribution on price segments. We have established that the drugs, more than 60% of which are foreign-made occupied more than a half of the assortment. Medicinal drugs in 50 rubles price spectrum occupy the biggest share of pharmacy assortment. Distribution within every assortment group revealed that more than a half of drugs are in average price spectrum from 50 to 500 rubles. Average charge for VED amounts to 21.87%, and for drugs which were not included in VED list - 34.07%. The charge for the goods, the price of which is not regulated, trade charge is more.

About the authors

I. V Voronovich

People’s Friendship University of Russia


I. V Kosova

People’s Friendship University of Russia


E. E Loskutova

People’s Friendship University of Russia



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  2. Постановление Правительства Москвы от 24 февраля 2010 г. № 163-ПП. «Об установлении торговых надбавок к ценам на лекарственные средства».
  3. Институт медицинского представительства / А.А. Скрипко, Н.В. Федорова, В.В. Дорофеева и др. // Фармация и фармакология. - 2015. - №3(10). - С. 21-25.

Copyright (c) 2015 Voronovich I.V., Kosova I.V., Loskutova E.E.

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